Father-Son Day

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"Dead?" Tom asked down into the phone. "How can he be dead? He was under our protection!" He paced around his bedroom and ran his fingers through his hair as he listened to the line answer, "He committed suicide, what do you want me to say? His entire head is blown off, it's a horror movie down here." 

Tom let out a heavy sigh and kept pacing the room. This was bad. Ashton was their only connection to Carlton. He had protection from them, why would he do this? "Where was the patrol car when this happened?" He asked with agitation in his voice. "They had just finished with their last patrol before their break. When they left, they said he was in the Carlton house, but found him in his own house with his head blown out and a shotgun in his hand." 

Tom let out a deep sigh and said, "I want every single picture you've taken at the scene, you hear me? I want them within the hour. And take pictures of the Carlton house if you haven't already. I'll look them over tonight."

He went on his computer to check the hundreds of e-mails he was bound to get, while the other line asked, "How's Phase 2 coming along?" Tom shrugged and said, "It's not really. I'm just giving her a few days to cool down. I kind of pissed her off the last time. Anyways, I'll finish it and Phase 3 shouldn't take very long. This will be over soon." 

He continued to read and respond, then read and respond to every e-mail he could. "What do you have on Jennifer Edwards? Is her sister still set on Carlton being the reason for Tony disappearing?" He sent the last e-mail, then sat back in his chair with a sigh. 

"She's convinced more and more everyday. The wife doesn't seem to care much though. I'll make a trip up to Chicago this week and scope out the place, ask the sisters and the son some questions, but more detailed this time." Tom got up and moved out to the balcony, where he took in the view of New York. 

"Do that as soon as you can," he said. "Don't ask the same questions as before, make them more complicated and get a team together to look at every goddamn detail of that house." He looked over to Ben and Cassie's balcony and could see perfectly inside their place. 

Cassie was working on her computer with her glasses on, her hair in a messy bun, tight-looking sweat pants, and a sweater that looked like it could have been Ben's because it was so large. She's gorgeous, he thought. She deserves someone so much better than him.

Tom furiously shook his head and tried to shake away any thoughts of her in that way. He has to focus on the mission and get Phase 2 done soon, especially since Ben is still out of town. When he comes back, there's no way he'll be able to get near her. 

"Listen, I'm going to go ahead and go. Get those pictures to me within the hour and I'll look them over." He hung up after a few last words, then went back inside. These past few minutes have been very stressful and he needed something to calm him down. 

He decided that a walk might do him good. It was getting cold out because winter is just getting here, but it was still nice out. He grabbed his coat and put it on, before grabbing his wallet and keys. As soon as he stepped out into the hallway...so did another tall figure from across the hall. 


"Bye baby, have fun with daddy," Cassie cooed to her son, who gurgled his laughter and shouted, "Dada!" Ben chuckled, then leaned down and kissed Cassie. "Try to focus, my love," he told her. "No getting distracted. That's why we're leaving in the first place."

Ben had the idea to take Michael out for a father-son day so Cassie could have the place to herself to concentrate on writing. Her re-write was due in a few days and she needed to get cracking on it. Luckily, Ben had a full day planned, so she'll have plenty of alone time to get most of it done. 

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