Family Reunion

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She forgot. She completely and totally forgot. Between Ben hitting her and Jess being born, it just slipped her mind. How? She doesn't know. It should have stayed with her, been engraved in her head. But no. 

She's watching her sister eat at an outside restaurant table with her parents near Central Park. Her breathing started getting heavy and her hands clammy against the twin stroller Michael and Jess were in.

Cassie hasn't seen Sarah since the trail, same goes for her parents. That was in Chicago, that was the reason she left Chicago. She wanted to leave to get a new start, but it seems everything is following. Her sister, her parents, the murders...everything.

"Horsey!" Michael excitedly shouted, making Cassie snap out of her thoughts. She looked down and saw him pointing at the horse carriages. "Horsey, mommy!" Cassie turned the stroller away from her parents and sister and started to quickly walk the opposite way. 

"Mommy," Michael cried, "horsey!" Cassie sighed, then sweetly told him, "We're going to see daddy at work." He crossed his arms and huffed. He's been snappy ever since they brought Jess home from the hospital. 

Ben or Cassie could never choose a favorite child, nor could they love one more than the other, but Michael seemed to think so. He turns two next week, but he's a very bright kid. When he sees his mommy and daddy put more attention into his little sister, he becomes jealous and throws fits. 

Lately, he's been seeing that they never do what he wants to do. 

Cassie opened the large, glass double door, then pushed the stroller into the tall building. She was greeted sweetly by the receptionist up front, and then went into the elevator. They rode all the way up to one of the top floors. 

As she pushed the stroller down the hall and through the office space of cubicles, she approached Ben's assistant's desk. "Hey, Elliott," she greeted. Elliott gave her a wide smile and said, "Hey! Here to see the boss?"

She smiled and nodded. "He's on the phone, but you can go in," he told her. Cassie thanked him, then pushed the stroller quietly into her husband's office. "The contract I set up is the only one I will accept," he said into the phone, his back turned to her. 

"I understand that, but I am planning to make this hotel the most exquisite one in Manhattan," he continued. Cassie sat down on the couch across the room and pulled the stroller to her. Michael, who had fallen asleep during the walk, opened his eyes and looked to Ben. 

"Daddy!" He excitedly said. Ben quickly turned and saw his family. A smile creeped up on his lips. "I have to go," he said in the phone, "my wife and kids are here...yeah, Jessie was just born last week. I'll talk to you later, mate. Bye."

As soon as he hung up, Cassie got out Michael from the stroller and set him down. He immediately bolted towards Ben. "Hey, little man," he said as he scooped up his son. "This is a very nice surprise. Was this your idea or mummy's?" 

Michael pointed to himself and said, "Mine!" Cassie chuckled and rolled her eyes as she picked up Jess, who was just starting to wake up. She walked up to Ben, who gave her a sounding kiss, then looked to Jess. 

"There's my baby girl," he cooed. "Hey, Jessie baby." A tiny, toothless smile came up on her face when she looked at him. Michael started tapping Ben's shoulder. "Daddy, look! Daddy, look!" Ben looked over to Michael, who gave him a funny face. 

Ben chuckled, "You're just a silly boy today, aren't you?" He kissed his head, then looked back to Jess. "So, what brings my lovely family here?" He asked. "You feeling alright? You look a little pale." He put his hand on Cassie's head to check her temperature. 

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