Dining with the Neighbor

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Cassie wasn't exactly sure what the dress code for dinner was, so she decided on a nice top with a pair of skinny jeans. She put Michael in his "Lady Killer" t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and tiny sneakers. He was excited about going out someplace, as he was running around and laughing. 

"Come on, Michael," Cassie said, while taking his hand. "We're going to go see Tom for a little bit." They walked the few feet across the hall and Cassie lifted up Michael so he could knock on the door. He actually just smacked it with his hand a few times, but it worked because Tom was at the door in a flash. 

"Hello, you two!" Tom greeted cheerily. "Come in, dinner's just about done." Cassie walked in and smiled when she got a look at his place. The interior design was almost exactly the same as her and Ben's place, just obviously decorated differently. 

Tom led them into the kitchen, where he handed Cassie a glass with cranberry juice in it. She smiled and said, "Thank you. Sometimes I forget." He chuckled, "Well, from now on, I won't. Don't want anything happening to you or that little one." 

Cassie blushed and took a sip of the juice. "What does Michael usually eat?" Tom asked. She waved him off and said, "He already ate. He usually eats pretty early so Ben and I can enjoy ourselves." Tom smiled at her and said, "Well now we can enjoy ourselves." 

He served up their dinner which was just spaghetti and meatballs, but it was very good. They talked and laughed over dinner, Tom never failing to make Cassie smile with every word he said. Michael adored Tom and kept wanting his attention, which Tom gladly gave. 

He bounced Michael on his knee, cooed at him, and even tried to do some impressions. He was great at them, but not as great as Ben. She was just happy that Tom was being so kind to them. He was turning out to be a great friend. 

A little while later, when they were cleaning up the dishes, Cassie's phone started to ring. She let out a soft "Oh" when she saw it was Ben. "Sorry," she told Tom, "I'll be right back." He gave her a soft smile and said, "Take your time, love." 

She blushed and quickly made her way into the living room. "Hey," she answered. "Hey, baby," Ben's soothing voice said. "I've just gotten out of my last meeting. Thought I'd call to check up." Cassie smiled and said, "We're doing fine, just missing you. Michael drew you a couple pictures, they're up on the fridge."

She could hear his smile as he said, "I can't wait to see them. How's my baby girl doing? Giving you any trouble?" Cassie chuckled, "No, she's been pretty good. I haven't had morning sickness in a while." She smiled, as she ran her hand over her stomach. 

"Well that's good. So, what are you guys up to tonight?" Cassie took a glance behind her to make sure Tom wasn't nearby, then said in a low voice, "We're just...hanging around. You know, nothing exciting." He heard him hum skeptically, so she quickly changed the subject. "I have to do a re-write," she quickly told him. "I'll probably just be at that all night."

That definitely changed his mood, as he scoffed, "What? Are you bloody kidding me? A re-write? Why?" Cassie sighed, "Apparently it's not as good as the first one, which nothing ever is. It's okay, though. Gives me something to distract the fact that you're not here." 

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. You know I hate leaving you both like this. But I'll be back tomorrow night and I'm not planning any trips for a long while, unless it's with my family." Cassie smiled. "Well, we can't wait to see you. Maybe we can Skype a little later so Michael can see his daddy?"

Michael, who was watching TV on the couch, perked up when he heard something about his daddy. "Dada!" He shouted. "Sorry, babe, but I don't think I'll be back in my room before you guys are asleep. I'm going to go out drinking with the guys for a bit." 

"Oh," Cassie breathed, "well, have fun. Let me know when you're on the plane tomorrow." She heard Ben laugh at something, before he said, "I will, darling, but I have to go now. I love you so much, baby. Give Michael and our little one my love." 

She couldn't even say "goodbye", before he hung up. She sighed, then looked to Michael. "Sorry, baby, daddy's busy. He'll be home tomorrow, I promise." Michael pouted, but then got distracted by the TV again. 

"Everything alright?" Tom asked, while coming in with more drinks for them. Cassie accepted the glass and said, "Yeah. Ben just called to check in." Tom took a sip of his drink after saying, "He seems to do that a lot, doesn't he?"

Cassie shrugged. "Yeah, but he's just concerned. He's good like that." Tom just nodded and took another sip of his drink. It was quiet for a moment, until he quietly asked, "Does he hurt you, Cassie? Or Michael?"

Tom noticed that she looked completely brought back by his question. She scoffed at him and said, "No! Why would you--how--no!" Tom put his hands up in defense and said, "Okay, okay I'm sorry. Just thought I'd ask. He seems to have a hold on you, is all."

"Look, Tom, I appreciate your concern," she told him, "but Ben is the best husband and father I could ever ask for. The only reason he's so concerned is because we've been through hell and he wants to make sure Michael and I are okay." 

Tom noted this "hell" she went through and figured it was when she got stabbed by Chuck. He's read all the files, so he knows enough. "He has done so much for me," she told him. "The least I can do is answer my damn phone." 

He's gotten her upset now, which was not his intention. "Cassie, I didn't mean to insult you or your marriage," he promised. "He just seems...possessive." Cassie shook her head in disbelief. "You don't know anything about him, Tom." Want to bet? He thought to himself. 

"Just...mind your own business," she concluded, before setting down her glass and picking up Michael. "Cassie," he softly called, "please, I didn't see this escalating so quickly." She ignored him and walked to the door. Before opening it, she turned to him and said, "Thank you for the lovely evening." 

And she was gone. Tom threw up his hands and shouted, "FUCK!" He didn't expect her to get so defensive! It's true, that escalated really quickly. He did understand if he offended her, but he knows Ben has hurt her. 

He read about the time she had to use self-defense against him by pushing him down the stairs. He got a clean slate later because the police took pity on him. It disgusted Tom when he read that. 

With a heavy sigh, he went into his room and fell on his bed. He picked up the phone and dialed a number. 

"Hiddleston," they answered, "did you get anything?" Tom stayed quiet and stared up at the ceiling. Phase two had been a success, even though he unintentionally hurt her to make it that way. He took a deep breath and said, "Phase two is...incomplete. I need more time."

"How much longer?" Tom thought, then said, "I don't know. I still need to get close to her, figure out more. Didn't find out much tonight." Which was a lie because her defense against Ben was all he needed. She was obviously protecting him. 

He listened to the other line go over what he should do to make it work, while continuing to stare up at his ceiling. The voice soon faded and Tom was in his own thoughts. Thoughts about Cassie and how goddamn beautiful she looked tonight. Thoughts about the light in her eyes when he was playing with Michael, but also the hurt in them when she left. 

His heart was ruling his head. And if he didn't get it together soon, it was going to kill this mission. 

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