Unwanted Desires

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Cassie was just turning the T.V. off when she heard a few knocks on the door. With a frown, she got up from bed and made her way to the front door. She didn't look through the peephole, though she wish she had. "Tom," she sighed. "Jesus, haven't you done enough damage? If Ben comes home and sees--."

Tom shushed her and pushed past her to go inside. She was about to protest, but he quickly shut the door and said in a low voice, "I know you're covering for him. You've been covering for him. I'm not stupid, I can see it in your eyes."

This couldn't be happening. She can't talk to him, nor could Ben know he's here! "Tom...I don't know what you're talking about." He gave her a sad look and said, "You and I both know you do. You know what I do for a living, so don't deny it." She quickly shook her head. "You need to leave," she told him, as she opened the front door.

But he didn't budge. "Cassie, if I find out you're hiding him and everything he's done and I can prove it, I can have your children taken away within the hour." Cassie gripped the door handle, then slammed the door. "You. Wouldn't. Dare," she seethed. "You have no right!" 

"It's called obstruction of justice! I'll put your husband on death row and you in prison while your son and daughter are wallowing away in a foster care!" He was right next to her face, his eyes filled with rage. Cassie was rendered speechless. The thought of her children being taken away from her was excruciating. It was aching her heart. 

Tom took a deep breath, then continued, "But if you tell me everything, I will guarantee full immunity and you will keep your children, I swear. Ben will get the electric chair and you will be safe." This couldn't be happening.

All she could think about was her kids. But he can't prove anything. Ben destroyed his files, there's no evidence that he ever did anything, not anymore. The fact that she was thinking about it, thinking about telling him, was making her feeling an amazing amount of guilt...but relief, too.

No, she thought to herself, I can't think like this. I have to protect Ben, my family. "Get out, Tom," she said, "or I will call the police." He snickered and said, "I'm apart of a intelligence agency, I am much higher than the police. I can have them leave the moment I show them my badge."

"You're not an agent anymore. I saw your boss fire you in the police station." Tom smiled. "Yes," he said, "but I never turned in my MI6 badge. You never know when it may come in handy." Her breathing started getting heavy. "I'll call Ben," she threatened.

Tom shook his head. "No you won't," he said. "You don't want him to barge in here in a rage with your daughter in his arms. You don't want Michael to wake up to see daddy hurting the neighbor. You also don't want him to take all that leftover rage out on you. I know he hits you. What about the kids?" 

Cassie folder her arms. "He's never hit me or the kids," she said through gritted teeth. Tom shook his head, then raised his hand to a faint scar on her cheek. She flinched away exposing her neck. "Is this the first time he attacked you?" He asked as he ran his finger over a faint bite mark on her neck. 

She quickly slapped his hand away. "He's getting help for his anger," she angrily told him. "He's slipped up a couple times, but it wasn't his fault, I pushed his buttons. But he has never hit his children. He wouldn't dare lay a hand on them." 

Tom took a deep breath through his nose. "What about the hands he's put on the numerous women before you?" He asked. "He has quite the reputation in Westminster. The number of women he paid for was astounding. I'm surprised he doesn't carry anything." 

Cassie turned away and walked to the door. She stood in front of it with her eyes closed. "Prostitutes left and right, almost every single night. Funny thing was, when I questioned the girls who slept with him, they refused to talk. They even said that most of their friends who went with him...never came back."

Tears started running down her cheeks now, but she quickly wiped them away. "He doesn't sleep around anymore," she said. She never knew about his prostitutes. She didn't want to care, but she did. Was he planning to treat her like one? To dump her when he had the chance, but then she got pregnant?

"Now, unfortunately, I can't prove that," Tom continued. "Not unless you hand over the files you got from James Costner, you're boyfriend whom you've filed several domestic abuse allegations against. The night he came to your house, you were dating Ben, weren't you? The Chicago PD said you were." 

Cassie put her hand over her mouth and took a deep breath. "I spoke to the officers on your case. James was found burned in his car that night with a broken neck! It was not broken by a bloody seatbelt, it was by your husband's hands!"

She spun around and harshly shushed him so he couldn't wake up Michael. She went up to him, then said, "Leave my family alone. You've done enough damage these past few weeks. Please leave us alone." She couldn't express how much she wanted him to leave!

"Cassie," he said as he lurked towards her, "don't fight this. I can protect you. I can protect your kids. Just tell me." He moved his hand up to her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "He won't hurt you ever again. Trust me."

He leaned his head down to where their noses were brushing against each other's. She should have backed away, kicked him out, and called Ben to come home...but she didn't. She couldn't. "I can't," she whispered. 

"Yes, you can," he whispered back. "I will not hurt you. I will never hurt you like he has." He brushed his lips against hers, but she jerked back her head a bit. He cupped her face. "Don't fight this. Don't fight me. Let me help you." 

She shook her head. "He'll kill you," she said. He let out a small laugh. "He can't touch me," he said, before kissing her. When he pulled back, he said, "Now, he can't touch you either." He kissed her again and again...and she responded immediately by kissing him back. 

His lips were smoother than Ben's and his kisses were the gentlest she's felt in almost two years. It felt so good. He pulled back to catch his breath, then looked her in the eyes. "Where are the files, Cassie?" He asked. "Just one look will give me everything to get you out of this."

She let out a shaky breath. His thumb was so gentle, running along her cheek. He was looking at her like she was the world. Ben was right...he does have a thing for her. And it's probably more than just a thing. 

"He burned them," she told him. "They're gone." 

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