Who are you, let me go!

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"Hey,(Y/n) why is Mom and Dad always fighting?"You little sister says with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know (S/n), But why don't you go to my room to sleep tonight."

"Thank you (Y/n)."

Your little sister stands up and walks towards you to give you a hug, then whispering something in your ear.

"I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too."

You give (S/n) a kiss on her forehead and send her off to your room.Once the door closes and your sibling is safe you go to your parents who are still fighting.

"You good for nothing *****."

"How the hell am I? Your the one who cheated on me."


"Oh sorry my mistake it happend at least a hundred times, am I correct?"

You watch as you see your Dad grab one of his beer bottles and break it, and your Mom then grab a close by kitchen knife.At that instant you discide to intervene.You step in the middle of your parents who are about to kill each other.

"Mom, Dad stop fighting please."

"Shut up you little puke." Your father says.


"I said shut up you ******."

At that second your father grabs your (h/c) hair and forcefully throws you into the fridge.You watch as your father punches you all over, from your face to your gut.You cough up a little bit of blood before your Mom can pull him off.Once out of your father's grasp you run out of the house, not looking back.The last thing you hear from the house is your mother yelling at your Dad.

You place your hand on your sore jaw to check if its still working, Luckily it is.

E.J pov~

I watch as I see my dinner start to get in a fight with his family, one with a broken bottle another with a kitchen knife.But as they are about to kill each other my prey intervenes. I get confused by his sudden actions but before I can process it, his father grabs him and starts beating the crap out of him.I don't know the reason why but I feel like I want to kill his father at the moment he put his hands on my prey.

I then watch as I see my prey run out of the house and keeps on running not looking back.I discide to follow him to find out why he intervened.

I jump over building tops and follow him a mile and a half to my woods.For a young kid he can run.And finally he stops, I watch him as he places his hand on his jaw.His father did big number on him.

(Y/n) pov

"Why did he hit me, Why do they fight so much?"

I begin to sob uncontrollably and tears fall down my face like a waterfall.After I am done crying I wipe away the tears and walk away.

I walk down a lonely path to end up at a lake.I sit down at the lake's shore and bring my legs up to my chest as I watch the scenery.

Then a rustling noise comes from a nearby bush.

"H-hello is anyone there?"

Then the rustling stops, you stand up and slowly walk over to the bush unaware of the dangers.As you are a few inches from the bush something pops out and you fall to the ground.You look up and see.......a raccoon.

"Oh hi there little fella, hold on are you hungry? I think I have something for you."

So I begin to grab something out of my pants pockets.I pull out a couple of crackers I took from my house before I left.Because I knew I wasn't going to go back tonight.I hand the raccoon a cracker and it soon runs off back into the deep woods.A smile forms on my face as I see the creature scampered away.

"I always loved animals."

E.J pov

I watch from a top a tree as my prey is sitting at a lake, watching the scenery I think.But then a noise comes from a bush just below me.I grab me my scalpel and get ready to kill whatever dares to touch my prey.A little raccoon soon pops out of the bush making my prey fall to the ground.I am just about ready to go down there and kill that creature when something strange happens.

I sit down on the tree branch and watch my prey give this thing some food.Why would he give his only food to some wild animal?

"I can't stand this much longer, That's it I'm going down there myself."

(Y/n) pov

I go back to the lake and look up at the stars.I try to forget everything that has happend today as I look up.But then I get distracted again,I turn back to the bush rustling again.

"Oh come over here boy, do you want some more food?"

I get up from the ground and walk back over to the bush.Only it's not the raccoon.It's a hooded man, well more like teen wearing a dark blue mask covering where his face should be and the sockets are dripping a dark black liquid.I fall to the ground and slowly back away from him.I then notice in his hand he has some kind of weapon.I can't make it out due to the darkness.What do I do, do I run away, Ignore it or simply fight back. I try to run away but he grabs me and everything goes black and I think my end is near.
So guys that is chapter one tell me how you feel about it.By the way I won't post the next chapter intill this one gets lets say 3 votes. So hope you like \(^-^)/.

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now