My Return

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(Y/n)'s pov

Jack and I salvage a least enough kidneys/organs to fill us both up for a long time.Carrying a bucket full of kidneys, organs, one hand and another bucket full of other goodies.Looking through the buckets begins to make my mouth water in delight.But then I feel a light tap on my shoulder, in a quick instant I twist my head to the right and see Jack not wearing his mask with a concern look on his face.

"Hey what's up Jack, is everything ok?"

"Not really..."Jack says discouraging,

"Why what's wrong?"


The word slips out and I am stopped in my tracks.The buckets fall out of my hands like a feather falling from the sky.I stand stunned for what feels like a millennium, not responding to a slight thing.Jack pokes me and then waves his hand infront of my face and I still don't respond.

I thought everything was ok and fine.Why does Zalgo have to be the topic.Does he know he's my uncle?Is he angry about that and is he going to dump me because of it?

My thoughts race around in much brain.I get pulled out and get pulled back into what seems like Zalgo's lair once again.My body is with Jack but my mind is in hell.Great, Jack better not try anything messed up with my body.

E.J's pov

I bring up Zalgo in a discussion with (Y/n),Why because I wanna know if what Zalgo said is true and (Y/n) is the only one that knows.But as soon as Zalgo rolls off the tip of my tongue (Y/n) freezes.The buckets he carries falls and he stands like statue .I try to poke him but that doesn't work, so I try waving my hand in front of his beautiful face but yet...nothing.

"Did I really screw up already?" I mumble to myself.

I try taking to him and it's like he not there.Jack now is your chance, Attack! Violently I shake my head trying to erase the pervy thoughts from my head.No Jack, no, you aren't an animal.My face becomes hot, I try to think of other things then attacking (Y/n) and ripping off his clothes and...I mentally slap myself for trying to finish the sentence.

Getting off the topic I put on my mask and grab his hand to bring him back to the mansion.Hopefully those thoughts don't come back...Well not intill later on in the relationship.

(Y/n) pov

In the pits of hell I see the room I was locked in with Liu.Trying not to puke I look around.I see blood splattered on the walls and Liu is where we left him.But a noise radiates off the metal walls to make me turn around.


I glare at Zalgo as if I'm in a staring contest with him.How could this...this...ugh I don't know anymore, be. My.Uncle.As I try to think of a way to be disowned he slowly starts to approach me.Step by step he walks towards me and I stand my ground.But then he walks through me as if I'm a vapor in the air.Strangely once he walk through me I resemble myself back, its like I'm a ghost or something, sweet.

Turning around I see him walk towards his bleeding minion.I watch as Zalgo wears a disgruntled expression on his face.With a swift blow from his tale he stabs Lui through the chest.Blood gushes out like tidal wave of red.I cover my mouth with my hand, My expression on my face changes to utter terror as I see blood painted everywhere.But Zalgo starts to talk.

"See ya later...son."

Zalgo sharply twist his head to me and a devilish grin appears on his face.Before I can react I get pulled back to my body.Why did Zalgo kill Lui and call me son?

My eyes adjust to the new formed light and notice I'm back at the mansion.I sit on the couch and Jack is holding my hand with everyone surrounding us.

"W-what's wrong guys...?"I chuckle lightly.

"You haven't moved since I brought up Zalgo in a conversation and everyone is still worried about you."Jack answers.

"Well I'm fine now I just....had to....think about..stuff."

"You sure?"

"Yeah lets just get to bed I am really tired."

I walk up the stairs of the creeking old oak and go to Jack's room.Looking around I can't find me any clothes so I steal one of Jacks hoodies and put it on.As I make my spot on the floor I hear the door open.Turning my head to the door I see Jack standing there.

"(Y/n) Was Zalgo the reason why you couldn't move?"

As much as I was hoping this conversation was done with already I answer his question.

"Yeah."I nod as I grab a pillow.

"(Y/n) I know you and Zalgo are related in someway.But I don't care, I just want you to know I will and am going to protect you."

A tear rolls down my cheek and hits the crevice of my lips.Jack walks towards me and licks the tear away.I hug him in a deep embrace, snuggling into hoodie.

E.J pov

Forgetting the buckets of food I drag (Y/n) back home.It's not like him to be quiet, frankly thats my job.As I look into (Y/n) (e/c) eyes I don't see anything it's like he being controlled or something.

I bust through the old mahogany wooden door and place my boyfriend on the couch.I tell Jane to keep an eye on him while I look for Slender.She agrees and I'm off on my search.

It takes me at least 15 minutes to find Slender and fill him in.But as we both get back to (Y/n), he starts snap out of it.Like an attack dog I run to him and hug him.But I don't think he noticed.

"W-what's wrong guys?" (Y/n) chuckles.

I grab his soft hand and hold it so he won't get worried when I tell him this.

"You haven't moved since I brought up Zalgo in a conversation and everyone is still worried about you."

Eventhough my mask is covering my face my expression changes.

"Well I'm fine now I just....had to....think about..stuff."

I know (Y/n) is just giving me a load if bullshit but I believe him in what he says.But I still ask him to make sure.

"You sure?"

"Yeah lets just go to bed I'm really tired."

I watch as he walks up those old wooden steps and shuts the door to my door.I sigh in relations to knowing he hiding it from me.Slender and everyone one else looks at me telling me to go figure out what's wrong.But as I try making my way up the stairs I hear Slender calling my name.

"Jack in the morning come visit me with (Y/n) to see how far the connection is."

I nod my head and walk up to my room.As I open the door to my room I see him in only his boxers and my hoodie.But as much as I try again to attack him I ask him a question.

"(Y/n) was Zalgo the reason why you couldn't move?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"(Y/n) I know you and Zalgo are related in someway.But I don't care, I just want you to know I will and am going to protect you."

To my unexpected reaction (starts to cry.I know it's hard on him but I had to say that.I walk towards him and lick his salty tear away his lips and snag a kiss while I'm at it.(Y/n) hugs me and nuzzles into the crook of my neck.

"(Y/n) I have something special for you."

I pull out a crimson red tinted ring and as him a question.

"(Y/n) will you always be my boyfriend."


Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now