What About Mom and Dad?

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(Your pov)

(Sister's name), my little sister? My mind spins around as if in a washing machine. Looking at her she seems fine but you can never know with these people. Scanning around with my eyes I look at her and check if there are any noticeable wounds. Only wound I can apparently see is an incision on her forehead.

Being the bigger sibling I wet my thumb and clean off the dry blood. Wincing at me doing this, (sister's name) tries to stop me.

"(Your name) stop it." She complains.

"Well you got a bit of blood on you still."

"(Your name)!"

Eventually all the blood was wiped clean and a small cut was clearly visual. I look at Jack and introduce her to him. His mask still being on he muffles a hello, causing my sister to tilt her head in confusion. Her head begins to turn and then stops to look at me.

"Is he your boyfriend?" (Sister's name) perplexes.

The killers begin to snicker and my face turns red.


I begin to open the old mahogany doors and (your name) gets tackled with in an instant upon opening them. Staring daggers at the girl, I happen to remember her. She was the little girl I saw when I first saw him. But what was her name, Marsha, maybe it was Casey. Either way she is touching (nickname).

Picking my boyfriend up off the ground, (your name) wraps his arms around her. And if I wasn't jealous then, I am now.

"Jack this is my little sister,(sister name)."

"Hi." I muffle through the holes in my mask. Clearly not impressed.

Looking at her for what seems like hour. She swivels her head to me and then at (your name). My eyes widen when she begins to speak. But then I look at babe and he is blushing darkly. I stand my ground and smirk under my mask and wait to hear his response.


"Congrats big bro."

Walking inches closer, I swirl my grey arm around his shoulder and look at his little sister. Her eyes scan up to me with a glint of hate in them, as she gives me fake smile. Returning the thanks I do same, knowingly she can't see it.

"Sis, what are you doing here?"

Sister's POV (flashback)

"(Your name)!" Mom screams out door.

"Your a heartless man, Chris!"

Walking out of my big brother's room in nothing but my sleepwear. I look at Dad and mom and flames slowly begin to radiate off their skin. Then my eyes trail down to the notable puddle of blood collecting on the floor. My eyes widen and I am on the verge of tears. But then more blood begins to drip down in it. I look up and see a boy in the skyline, watching us with a hungry look.

"Mom! Dad!"

"Shut up!"

Looking back up the man is gone. I begin to shake and begin to get scared. And like the fight the suddenly happened everything turns dark. White think outlines of everything is my vision and suddenly the colors come back. But I scream.


Mom and dad lay dead and mutilated on the kitchen floor. Blood was splattered everywhere. Then I look down and some of their blood is on my clothes. But when I look back up, a man of black and horns like rose thorns stares at me with blood on his hands.

"So your (sister's name). He'll die like the rest of them by the hands of his loved one."

Blackness fills the room again and when the colors come to, the man disappears and sirens become known. Tears trickle down my face and stain my clothes more. My mind scatters and I run to my room and change into something not drenched in blood. Running out of the house, I run out of the city and into the woods in hopes the cops won't find me.

"Come on, over here I think I see her." A police officer replies to the others.

Continuing to run away I run through almost every bush or fields adverting the outcome of the law. But then I trip and fall down a steep hill and hit my head on a tree. But by the time I look up there is another creature staring at me.

"Please don't eat me." I beg.

I wait for the monster to eat me, but it never does. It stares at me and then licks me. His long wet tounge soaks my clean clothes.

"Thanks..." I mock

But then the police sirens begin to grow louder. And I start to get worried immediately. I look at the creature he tells me to get on. Looking back at lights I don't know what to do.

"There she is!"

Instantly I get on the creature and it bolts through the woods. Looking back I watch as the police get farther and farther away. Staring forward again I let my mind wonder and try to understand what just happened. Who was that man and boy, and should I trust this thing. Then my eyes feel heavy and I fall sleep on the monster.

I wake up and I'm suddenly against the an old abandoned mansion. Puzzled I get up and look at the building. My stomach soon begins to growl and I feel weak. Completely out of options I look for the door and knock on it drastically. And that's when I saw Nina.

Sister's POV (back to normal time)

I look at my brother and he seems so happy. Then I look at "Jack" and remember what the creature said. "He'll die like the rest of them by the hands of his loved one." Is Jack gonna kill my brother. And why was he at our house that day. Grabbing my brother into a hug I cry my eyes out in his shirt. I don't want him to die and I can't tell him what happend to our parents.

"(Your name)." I sob through his shirt.

But then someone touches my shoulder. I look back and it's a little girl with a blood stained dress with brown curly hair. Does she know.
Sorry for the wait again I was very busy with stuff at school and what not sorry.*bows* >~<

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now