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Warning:Intense chapter

Jack's Pov

"What is this?"

Cascading my finger in the now rippling puddle, I bring my damp finger closer to my mask and sniff the liquid. My nose intensified by the lust-filled desire of gore as I come to a familiarity. The puddle on the ground is (Y/n)'s, blood and his emotions are covered in this liquid. I know he has been taken. It's not a gut feeling, no, it's like I can feel him getting hurt.

"(Y/n)!!!" I yell to the empty forest that echos my call for the beautiful person.

My head and heart hurting like being shot in a shooting range I look around for clues. Anything I think that could help, I search. From the broken table and glasses, I see how much he wanted to spend time with me. A killer. The boy I love cares for nothing but me, I could not see how Slender thinks he is bound by this damned connection. Each set of this date is picked out with care and none by force.

Eventually I pick up the jar that holds his kidney. Widening in similarities like the full moon I begin to doubt. But I then notice the note on the cap. I cry fowl black tears as I read this important message. Never would he want to leave me, No he wanted to stay and do it all again.

"I'd Do it Again, In a Heartbeat."

"Who...." I cry.

A noise soon rustles from the behind me, My new knife gripping my right hand I turn around and notice Seed rolling a burnt rock. I instantly know who took him once I see it. Zalgo. The cocky and self proclaimed devil's spawn. The father of my love, took him. My hand clenches to the self-inflicting blade and oozes out my blackened blood.

"Never, Not once was I to use this. But the one I want and care is there." I speak in a death defined chant with my blackened blood filling my hand.

The dark liquid like my brush, I create the seal of the dead in a five-pointed star and the kidney jar in front of me. The pentagram like my portal, I chant the devil's tongue in a request to enter. The five points shining in a blood filled light, I walk into the middle and commence my chant. A portal to hell only to be open in emergencies. I crack the proclaimed hell's spawns seal and walk through arising portal. His seal is nothing but a wall that I haven't yet broken to gain my prize.

Zalgo's Pov

"My lord!"

Painfully wincing at the call of my name, I look up from my camera from the accursed Slender mansion and find one of my creations look at me with fear. His shaking hands and unnerving sway of his tail on the brick floor, I know he has the news I was waiting for.

"I know Jason. He's gone. He's here, Now go and kill him. Send every last one of my creations to kill him. My pain will finally end."

Pattering on the floor like ants I watch all of my creations head out and race to the distorting void inside my realm. The leaking of deadly sins filling the human world rises my grins to an enhancing point.

"Thank you, Jacob."
Jack's pov

Shifting from hell and above I walk through the fire pits with the blade in my hand. The person I wanna see is the only reason why I am here. (Y/n). My baby and my love are sent to a place with no hope.


Blood once again filling my hand, I walk forward and attack the first of Zalgo's spawns. Red and black, my vision shifts while the blood of Jason trickles out his throat and covers my body. Stain after unwanted screams of death surround me as I feel only the want to kill and murder all who stand in my way.


Five have already came to kill me. Hand to hand, long range, rockets, explosives. Each an every single attack fails as I decapitate or stab their organs out of their body and leave them nothing but a dead corpse. A single scream is a hormonal drug that fills me with lust. Each memory of my previous attacks of my past victims pollute my vision intil I recall one that I can never forget.


The final spawn below me and his blood slithering out, I see only the sight of (Y/n) and how I almost killed him on our first encounter. The blood of everyone covered my clothes with the red liquid while stare at this one creature.


Rivers of tears flow from my eyes as think of the boy love being hurt by me. He is why he is here.

"Nicely done, Jacob. Thanks to you, many souls are passing through hell with ease. The power of hell rises." The wicked spawn speaks as he stand at the end of the hall.

"Why did you take him. He deserves better then you, you damn Devil!" I spit with vemon and hate fill my eyes. The boy, love, baby, I want them all. He took them all for his own wicked happiness.

"His death, it gives me many opportunities and advantages in the future. Along with your death." He snickers.

"You'll die before that happends."
Your pov

Screams fill the castle and surround me as I feel the child coming. The contractions repeating every few minutes and the pain devours me as I scream and try to hold the baby in.

"Don't....please....I wanna be with Jack longer. Please....(Baby name)." I plead as I grips the ground and feel more blood leave me.

The kid I have with Jack and the end of this connection rising closer, I cry as I can't help but push, not wanting to kill my lovely baby.Slowly pushing, I scream in agony and continue to push with the tears endlessly flowing. Push after longing push, I finally get the baby out.

"Momma will protect you." I speak softly while holding the new born boy and hold him close to my chest. His eyes are a dark brown and skin a porcelain white while he holds onto my finger with his tiny hand.

But suddenly the door opens and I wrap myself over the baby and protect it with tears filling my now stained clothes. I bite my lip and wait for my death as I continue to sheild my baby. But I am soon touched with sweetness, causing me to look up and see what is happening.


"You okay?" He asks while I look at my boyfriend and see him covered in blood and then look in his eyes. Tears and worry are all I see.

"Y-yeah.....D-do you still love me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Hope the one feeling I thought I was losing, returns to me as I smile sweetly and show him slowly the baby in my arms and kiss the infant's head.

"This is your son, (Baby name). I was told that after he was born I-" Breaking the silence with a passionate yet warming kiss, Jack makes me look at him and holds out a ring.

"Marry me."

I look at him again and water leaks from my eyes as I nod and bring him in for another passionate kiss and put on the ring.


This is the end of the story, but let me know if you want an epilogue. If so I will write a short one with a final lemon. So let me know.

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now