Morning People

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(Y/n) pov


I wake up with my (e/c) eyes adjusting to the light shining from the blinds.I try to get up only to be pulled back down on the bed by Jack.Wrapping his arms around me like rope, he pulls me into his chest.I lay there for a bit before realizing he's only wearing boxers.A deep burning red blush covers my entire face.If it wasn't bad enough last night he had a major hard on in his sleep and kept grinding up against me.

Like an eel I slip out of Jack's grip and get out of bed.Carefully maneuvering past the clothes from last night.I walk out the door to go downstairs to the kitchen to eat some leftover food.But as I walk down the stairs I notice someone on the couch watching T.v.Walking down the old stairs I sit down on the couch to find it to be Toby.

"Oh um hi Toby." I shyly smile feeling uncomfortable.

"Oh hey I h-heard you and Jackie a-are stuck together forever."

"I wouldn't say that its just a promise ring not a wedding ring."

"Well whatever t-the case you are now cool with me."

"Listen Toby I'm sorry about the first time meeting you."

"Like I said since he likes you we are cool.But words of advice don't die."


I get up off the couch and go make food for my grumbling stomach.As I open the fridge I see we only have one bucket of organs.I guess we forgot about others in the forest yesterday.So taking those out I grab a large metal fork and start eating.I know we have plates and stuff but I am just to lazy and I should be, I have been kidnapped twice, found out some weird creature is my uncle and got dragged to hell and back.Yeah I'm lucky enough to have time to sleep.

After the rant going on in my head I finish my bucket of organs and then I bump into another person.I look up and see one of Slenders friends Hoodie I think he is named.

"Sorry about that."

"It's ok wait your E.J's bae aren't ya."

I nod my head in response as the blush soon returns on my face.Hoodie places a hand on my shoulder gently patting it as he walks past me.I look at him and then I remember Jack saying something to me about what Zalgo did to him and a pal.

"Sorry."I mumble under my breath.

Not thinking he heard me I walk into the living room.But once I set foot in I see Jack leaning against the couch watching T.v with Toby.Toby continues to watch the television as I walk closer to Jack.But then Jack begins to stare at me through his blue mask and I know something is on his mind,but then again so do I.

"Hey (Y/n) where were you?" Jack questions in a drowsy monotone.

"I got up to get something to eat.And um...Jack?"

"Yeah what's up (Y/n)?"

"Am I the reason why everyone is on edge?" I say as look down towards the floor.

"I mean if it is I can just leave and-"

But as soon as I look up at Jack he pulls me into a deep sloppy kiss making me shut up.Is this just way for him to say I talk to much or not to worry.Either way it shuts me up.

"(Y/n) just shut up."

A deep crimson blush illuminates over my face as we part from the kiss.Maybe I am just over-reacting, after all everyone isn't said they're just cool with it.A smile froms on my face as Jack wraps his arm around my neck pulling me closer to him.But the blush soon returns as Jack blows cold air on the side of my neck.A sharp chill runs down my spine.

"J-Jack stop it."

My face turns as red as blood, not cause I like it or anything, trust me I do but he's doing it on purpose.Just like last night.

But then I hear a soft cute chuckle come out of Jack's mouth.I stare at him as he laughs.I believe this is the first time I heard him laugh.I like it maybe I'll let him continue so I can hear it.

Jack/ E.J pov

I grab (Y/n) around the waist and turn towards me planting a sloppy kiss on him to shut him.He knows if anyone has a problem with him then I would gut them like a ****** fish.Even since the Zalgo fiasco I have kept a close eye on him.And honestly it's hard not pounce on him.

"(Y/n) just shut up."

I look down at my boyfriend and I see him turn as red as a tomato.Man he is adorable, I wish nothing bad will happen to him.I wrap my arm around his neck as he starts to smile.But then I get a devilish Idea.I blow a cold amount of air at his ear.

"J-Jack stop it."

Another more colourful blush appears on his face making chuckle a bit.I guess my laughter was a bit loud because (Y/n) soon looks up at me.

"Hey guys can you quiet down I'm watching T.V." Toby pouts.

"Sorry Toby." (Y/n) apologies.

"It's ok (Y/n) but hey weren't you two suppose to see Slender about something?"

Like a wrecking ball it hits me.He's right I was suppose to wake (Y/n) up and bring him to Slender.Before I can grab his hand and run to Slender's office, he grabs mine instead.I look at him and his eyes so worry.

"Jack what is Slender going say will he put us back in the room locked?"

"No he won't do that.I'm sure of it." I lie.

I don't know what Slender will do but I'll make sure nothing bad will happen.After all he is still my prey.
Sorry for the long wait reader-chans if you don't know I have been in and out of the hospital.So I had no time to write I'm sorry I hope this makes it up.

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now