Truth comes out, Now!

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(Y/n) pov

Once we switch our breakfast I feel like me and him have connected just then.But instead of being happy I feel a bit of sadness.So I just come out and say it.

"Um...Jack what was it you were going to say before he came in?"

My face turns as red as the blood I am licking off this liver.But I still look at him with my sparkling (e/c) eyes.Only to wait for Jack answer.

"Um it's just um do you wanna ditch this place for a bit?"

My face burns like it's on fire.I try my best to act cool even though I know that's not what he was going to say.

"Um ok."

E.J pov

For a split second my thoughts are about to spill out of me but another memory appears in my head.

"Dad let go of me.Stop that hurts."

As soon as it appears it vanishes.I wanna know more.It makes me say this without thinking.

"Um its just um do you wanna ditch this place."

I blow it.Well now I get to know more about him.But to my surprise he says yes.I feel like I could do back flips.

I stare into those beautiful (e/c) eyes and try not to kiss him.I finally found out what my body is telling me.I love (Y/n).Maybe this is what Slender was telling me about it effects us.

I zone back in into (Y/n) eyes and grab his hand pulling him to the window.

"Jack what are you-"

I push (Y/n) out the window and then jump out it right after.

(Y/n) pov

Jack looks at me and his expression changes making it so I can't identify it.Then he grabs my hand and my face heats up.But once we reach the window I get flustered.

"Jack what are you-"

Then he pushes me out the window.Is he really going to kill me now.As I think death is within my grasp I land on something soft.

I look down and see a creature with a dark shade of fur.I scream my lungs out, making Jack cover my mouth with his hand.

"Shhh...we don't want anyone to find us."


I stare at Jack in his black sockets of his mask.Then Jack explains to me that "what" we landed on was a friend named Seed eater.Just then Jack laughs.

"What!?!" I pout.

"Just Seed doesn't really like people but he sure does love you."

Seed then makes a soft noise similar to a cat purring.I blush a little, then we set off.I start gripping Seed's fur while Jack hugs my waist.But that's not the only thing that touches me.

E.J pov

I fall out the window and I see (Y/n) start to scream at the sight of Seed eater.I place my hand over his mouth.It would be bad if either Toby or Slender found us.I just really want to do something special for him.

"Shhh...we don't want anyone to find us."

I stare in his eyes and like every other time,I get lost.


He's so cute.I then begin to explain to him that this is a friend.But then it hits me and I begin to laugh which I haven't done in a long time.This makes (Y/n) get concerned.


"Just Seed really doesn't like people but he sure does love you."

Then Seed makes his point by acting like my own cat again.I see (Y/n) start to blush.But then he tells me to stop staring at him with this sassy tone.I chuckle a bit in my head as we begin to leave.

I grab a hold of (Y/n) waist as his (h/c) hair brushes up against my face.I get a hint of the smell and it smells like strawberries.My favorite.

I move my hands to (Y/n)'s and teach him to control the directions of Seed eater.I place my head on his shoulder and teach him.Tug one time means stop, two means go and twist clockwise to go right, then left counter clockwise.

(Y/n) pov

As Jack places his hands on mine my body heats up.Jack then scoots closer to me placing his head on my shoulder telling me how to control Seed.But for me I am to paranoid about his friend poking my backside.

I learn how to control Seed eater eventually allowing me to take us somewhere we both know.Counter, Clockwise, Clockwise, forward, Counter we're there.

"Jack remember this place?"

"Oh yeah I remember."

I watch as Jack looks around to see we are back at the lake, where we first met.I hop off and sit down at the lake.I always loved this place and I wanted Jack to love it to but I swear if someone ruins it.I will kill them.

I wait for Jack to hop off so I can show him my favorite parts of the lake.I grab his hand and show him around.

We finish looking around and sit down just about where I stand.Jack then sits down with me and removes his mask allowing me to stare at his face again.

"Ok so Jack can you tell me what you were really going to say."

"Um what do you mean?"

"I know ditching the house wasn't your true answer.So what was it ?

I continue to look at the lake as I wait for Jack to answer.

"Um it was I think I know what the connection thing is telling me."

"Oh you do,what is it?"


Next thing I know Jack twists my head so I look at him kiss me.I am in awe that this is really happening to me.But then we release.

"(Y/n) I love you will you be my boyfriend?"

It is happening finally he said it.

"Yes I will I love you too Jack."

I kiss him this time and lock into a passionate kiss.But it stops a few moments later for Jack to get up.

"Ok since we are a thing now I have something for you."

I watch Jack and Seed eater get up and walk further in the forest.Who would of guessed I would be dating a killer.

But then I black out.
Sorry if this chapter was bad I just really wanted to post a chapter for you guys.

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now