The Slenderman News and....Change?

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(Y/n) pov

Cold and dark that's all I can describe it.Nothing left of me but wanting to kill.All I see is red and a blood lust forms.Jack that name seems familiar to me....who's it? Crack, Crack, Snap. The sound of twigs and bones is all I hear.Blood is what I grave nothing else.I run through the forest like a rocket blasting off.

"(Y/n) where are you?" Jack screams.



Jack grabs my hand and we run up the stairs of the old mansion.Besides the heavy panting of us running the only thing that was heard was creaking of the wooden floor boards.I hear the panting of the our breaths and my mind goes else where,I blush.I know I should not think like this but what Jack has been doing lately has me all flustered.It's like he has gotten more horny lately.I blush again.I look at Jack again and I wonder about all of this.

"Jack do you love me or is it just the connection controlling you?" I mumble under my breathe.

Next thing I know we arrive at Slender's office and the door opens.Slender is sitting at his desk in the center of the room waiting for us. Pitiful expression placed on my face I look to the floor.But then Slender speaks my name.

"(Y/n) my boy, are you feeling a bit better today?"

I nod my head and look up at the two killers in front of me.Immediately forgetting what I was thinking I look at Jack and think,he loves me for who I am.

"OK Jack you first."

I begin to watch as Jack strips down to only his dark blue boxers you've seen a couple times already.Giving a devilishly seductive glare at me making me look to the door.Jack you horn dog.As a blush returns back to my face,It's my turn.

"(Y/n) now you,you sure your ok?"

"Of course,Just lets get this done."

"It already is and there's news."

My heart slowly begins to skip a bit,like my world is ending.And then that's all I remember.

Jack's pov

Me and (Y/n) arrive at Slender's office and I happen to notice (Y/n) seems a bit down in the dumps.Me wanting to know shuts his mouth figuring its a family matter.But this doesn't stop me from teasing him a bit.What,who doesn't tease their partner?

Slipping off my shirt and pajama leggings I expose my smooth grey skin.I turn my head slightly and give him a very seductive grin as I stand in nothing but my boxers.I giggle a little in my head as I see the young teen twist his head to look at the door.I love him.Still looking at him I look at the ring I gave him on his index finger start to shine a bit.Strange. Moving my eyes to face forward I notice Slenderman has a disgruntled look on his face (I think).If my face can change any color I think I'll turn white.That's when Slender speaks.

"(Y/n) now you, you sure your ok?"

Twisting my head again I look at (Y/n) again.His face is sad and he doesn't look at any of us.

"Of course, Just lets get this done."

"It already is and there's news."

My darken orbs look at Slender pleading this is a joke.My dismay becomes a reality as Slenderman sighs.I put on my clothes at a quick pace and glare at (Y/n) noticing something in his eyes start to change.This fills me with an emotion I think I haven't felt in a while.

"The news is both a good value for the connection process but also bad relating to you (Y/n)."

My insides twist and turn like I am going to throw up.Just as I begin to ask what the bad intelligence about my boyfriend would be (Y/n) vanishes like a quick smokey vapor was sprayed in the room.The next thing I know he's gone. Looking back at Slender my eyes fill with hate.

"What was the news?" I spit a demand.

Slender sighs and my killer instincts guide me out through the rest of the conversation.Stepping closer to Slenderman I grab a knife left on his desk.I then instantly stab his hand to the rotted wood of his desk.

"What is the news?" I demand again.

Purple ooze spills out of the open wound where the knife stands.Not moving a single muscle on his pale face Slender sits there not phased.Getting more pissed I twist and turn the knife in the open wound shifting it enough to make the cut more painful and deep.

"*sigh* fine, but your not gonna like it,but there are couple things interfering with the connection with (Y/n).And he is getting corrupted by those things."

"And...SPILL IT!!"

"Those things are destroying him,he may not make it if those things are not fixed."

I feel like Zalgo did more then just talk to (Y

).My blood boils like I pits of hell Zalgo has for a heart.But then what Zalgo said to me plays back into my head.

"He doesn't know."

I run out of the house and run into the forest to beginning to search for him.I try and think of any possible places (Y/n) could be.Then I remember somewhere we both know.

"(N/n) I'm sorry for leaving you."

My darken sockets start to leak black liquid.Wipping away my tears I already see I'm at where I should be.Again calling (Y/n)'s name again I look around for him.But then in a split second my face meets them grass.I try to get up only to be pressed back down to the ground.Jack your a killer get up,this plays on and on in my head.

"Well it looks like my lunch has finally arrived."

My eyes widen as I know who the voice belongs to.


Slender's pov

I take the knife that is still inside my flesh wound and rip it out.Letting out a big sigh as I feel ashamed of what I have done.

"You sure about this, Nina?"

The door slams shut as one of my creepypasta's comes out of the lurking shadows of the room.I throw bloody knife across the room giving Nina an evil glare.

"Trust me this will work wonderfully." The killer pasta smiles.
Sorry if this sucks I tried thinking a lot about what to do next.But I also was helping out a fellow Yaoi creepypasta fan out write a lemon don't forget to check them out foxythebootyhunter.I know no lemons but this had to be done.Vote and comment ^-^.

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