Mission:Find My Boyfriend! Part 2

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E.J pov

I hold onto (Y/n)'s kidney wanting an answer.My blackened orbs I call eyes glare at Zalgo desiring a response.

"Where is he?"

Zalgo doesn't respond as I ask him again.My heart sinks in thought of what Zalgo could of done.I act like I am going to tie my shoe just to pull out a knife hidden in my pant leg.Just as I am about to take my knife out I hear a scream coming from nearby.

"Stop it!"

It's (Y/n) I bolt out the door as quick as I can, running down the hall of hell and arrive at a metal framed door bolted to wall.


I yell at the top of my lungs to recieve no reponse.I know (Y/n) is behind the door and I will save him.But suddenly the gift Slender gave me starts to glow.I take the object covered in cloth out from my hoodie and unwrap it.The object glows this heavenly white light making me blinder then I already am.Once the light vanishes the door opens and the object disappears without a trace.

I waste no time in running into the darkened room to see the worst thing possible.I look and see (Y/n) forced on the floor by one of Zalgo's minions.What gets me to seeing nothing but red is what he is trying to do.I just lose my grip on reality and I'm not in control.

I forcefully kick the guy off (Y/n) throw him across the room.Taking the knife I had hidden out, I clench it in my right hand.I use the knife and slice him up leaving nothing but blood to remain.Cut after cut he bleeds and I smile.Just as I am about to leave a big gash across his entire body (Y/n) gets in front of me causing me to stop.

"(Y/n) move he does not deserve to live."

"No Jack stop that's enough."

Slowly I return to reality as (Y/n) talks to me.

"I've gone through enough to know this is enough."

"No it's not."



My mask flies off my face and lands on the ground, a few inches from my feet.I look at (Y/n) as he starts to cry.

"Jack stop, I'm fine just...go back to normal."

I blink a few times and drop the knife.I grab (Y/n) and hold him in my arms, not wanting let go.

"I'm sorry."

(Y/n)'s pov

The door opens and look up to see Jack just standing there speechless.I have no clue what is going to happen but I know it can't be good.For a few seconds it feels like time has stopped.Once time seems to be flowing Jack violently kicks Homicidal Lui off of me throwing him across the room.

"Jack stop!"

Jack continues to violenly kick Lui in the stomach repeatingly not listening to my cries and pleads. I beg him to stop try everything with my words but it doesn't work.The next thing I see is Jack pulling out a knife hidden in sock.My eyes widen and I know this can't be good.I watch as Jack consantly slashes Lui across his body leaving blood and cries to replace it.

"Stop it Jack!"I scream,

Again Jack doesn't answer he's not himself and I don't reconize him.This is not my Boyfriend.I get up off the ground and stand infront of Jack, just as he about to slice Lui's body up yet again.I can tell even through his blue mask that he is not himself.Jack looks at me and I can see a little of the Jack that I know.Then Jack starts to speak its in a husky tone that I can not reconize.

"(Y/n) move he does not deserve to live."

"No Jack stop that's enough."

I look and he slowly brings himself back but I still know he's heated.He is not who I fell in love with.

"I've gone through enough to know this is enough."

"No it's not."



I slap Jack across the face making the room go silent.His mask falls to the ground like a bowling ball hitting the floor.I look at him and start to cry, I know your in there just stop.

"Jack stop I'm fine, just...go back to normal."

No answer are heard as I cry leaving tears to stream down my face.Then Jack grabs me and holds me in his arms.My tears stop as it hits he's back to normal.

"I'm sorry."

Jack holds like a mother holding on her newborn baby.I look up at Jack and stare at those blackened orbs and kiss Jack.We kiss for a few seconds to be broken up by Zalgo standing in the doorway with a stern look on his face.

"Ok that's enough you two, now leave I have to talk to my minion."

"Ok but this is for my friends."

I glare at Jack who releases me from our hug to walk over to Zalgo.My eyes widen with shock as I see Jack sucker punch Zalgo across the face.Zalgo gives us a nasty look and snaps his long fingers teleporting us back to the woods.I have a feeling if I wasn't his nephew we would both be dead.



"Nice job...But thanks for saving me."

I look just to see Jack push me up against a tree and kiss me.I kiss back wrapping my arms around his neck.I want the kiss to continue but Jack pushes away causing me to groan for more.Then Jack says something.

"Hey (Y/n) I have something special planned for you in the morning...And I missed you, now lets go."

I get flustered when I hear Jack say this, causing me to blush.But then he grabs my hand and we race to the mansion.Maybe killing a few on the way,for food at least.But the thought of what just happen still lingers in my head, I'm glad we can just move on and forget about the past.I smile as I begin harvesting a lone kid's organs we found a mile from the mansion.
So hope you all enjoy and don't forget to vote and leave a suggestion or comments.But what could the next chapter hold or is there going to be another chapter.

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now