She Knows

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(Your pov)

Pain slowly beginning to slip away from me, I open my (e\c) pearls and look up to kiss my blooded prince. Only all I see is the emptiness of air retracted in my grasp. A yawn slips from my lips as I now begin to wake up. Jack disappearing before I wake up isn't that uncommon, but as we are now I start to get concerned.

"Jack?" I ask the loneliness of the dark cyan room.

Sighing in disbelief I crawl out of the bed and make my way to the Creepypasta's room that is known as Sally. Her appearance giving her the look of a eight year-old I check to see if my sister maybe with her. My hopes that she may not be dead loom in my head as I open her door. To all of I see is my sister and her playing on the floor with what would look like murdered dolls.

As they turn their heads Sally and my sister smile at me. But the first to do anything is my sister, jumping up and gently hugging my torso she cheerfully asks if everything is okay. A nod of my head I tell her yes, but the main thought that would now pursue my coincidence is why she isn't squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"(Y/n) I'm hungry. Can we have some breakfast?"

"Sure....but have any of you two seen Jack?"

"I think I heard him go down the stairs.....Can I get some waffles after?" Sally speaks as she puts the dolls away in a box.

A sharp smile and a nod of my head,I say I will. As my sister is still on my side I walk out of the room and hold my sister's (s\c) hand down the hard wooden steps. A brightly lit smile pushed on us like a stamp on an envolpe the three of start a conversation till we arrive at the kitchen. Once we arrive my eyes look up and see Jack with a grumbled stance infront of the women with the violet streak in hair. Questionably confused at what he is doing I ask if he okay.

"uh....hey babe, can we talk?"

Unconsciously gripping (S/n)'s hand with an iron grip I start to shake and nod my head as I walk out of the room with the coherent killer. My eyes widen with nervousness and fear as my glaze looks at Jack as he removes his blue mask.

"(Y/n)....they know."

Dumbstruck I tilt my head to the side and ask him what he means. And then he tells me the name and info and I fall to the ground with a loss of words. My sight unknowingly fixated on the wooden floor, Jack wraps his arms around me as he lifts his mask and passionately kiss me calm.

"I'm sorry but I will be with you through it all....I love you (Y/n)." Jack calmly soothes me as look me in the eyes with his dark painted orbs.

Eyeless Jack's pov

Focused only on the one I care about I hold my boyfriend in a deep embrace with my mask off, knowing we both didn't want anyone to know of it. As he shakes like grumbling leaf I place my chin on his head and look at the doorway while she stands there watching.

"(Y/n) are you okay?!" The young girl asks running towards us.

Darting my eyes at the female I glare at her as she gives me chilling glance. If she was not an acquaintance, she would already be lunch right now. And yet, knowing my boyfriend needs me I focus on him and care as his infinite tears drip from his eyes.

"(Y/n) please stop crying." The nuisance pleads to my boyfriend.

Picking up his head from my shoulder I watch as he looks at the girl with his (e/c) eyes red from crying. Her stance changing to defense as the two shoot venomous glances. Pulling my boyfriend closer I look at the girl and speak my mind.

"How did you know?"


"Tell me!" (Y/n) harshly asks with more tearful eyes.

(S/n)'s Pov

A tilt of my head and the semi-puzzlement of my emerald eyes, I look at (Y/n) and then at his boyfriend. His thoughts have played with him, (Y/n) would never yell at me. But on the case of how I know, I owe him that.

Waving my hand through the tangled locks of my blonde hair, I fix it and sigh heavily as I look at (Y/n) and tell him how I know. From the story I told Sally and more.


Dried and pulsing the blood filled the room of the house as I stared at the black demon with many mouths. In his hands was my mother's head with his mouth beginning to move. Telling me (Y/n) was gonna die, but it was caused by Jack. He was the only one to do it. And as the creature left he wrote the message he meant in my father's blood. "The one inside with a curse of love, shall die from what they created." But what was next to it was only a raddle and a pacifier. Not dim like what people would say, I knew what he meant.

*End Flashback*

Their eyes beam as I mention the demon, bursting like blinking light. But the next moment I am hugged but not only (Y/n) but also Jack. How could the devil spawn say that my brother will die by him. He hates me but still is able to show the empathy of someone he he really a killer? Moving my hand to my brother's stomach I feel a small pulse I believe to be a heartbeat.

"I'm sorry.." I finally cry as it has been the first time I have with my brother.

"It's okay....I won't die from anything....I promise."

3 chapters left....I'm sorry for taking so long to update...a lot has happend..

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now