Someone,Save me!

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(Y/n) pov

I have cuts covering three quarters of my body and bruises to match.I finally found out his name,it's Ticci Toby.He hasn't left the room, Not even once.The same torture goes on for I think hours, first the cuts then the toying.

"P-please just stop."

He punches me in my stomach as I speak.He then grabs my (h/c) hair and pulls it so I look at him.Then he whispers a threat in my ears, sending a chill down my spine.

"I'm gonna kill you long and painful, the way Jackie couldn't do."

I don't know what comes over me but I use some of my strength to headbutt Toby in the face.His goggles go flying along with his mouth guard.I can now see a better view of him.

All of a sudden he pulls out two hatchets and walks closer to me.Why did I do that I could never hurt another person.But now I wanna taste some blood.As the taste of blood is running threw my veins Toby brings one of his hatchets up to my neck, ready to chop off my head...when the door opens.

"Toby get away from him!" A man demands.

I look up and the blood lust is gone.As soon as light enters the room I can see who yelled.It's the hooded guy that I saw in the woods.He tackles Toby to the ground making him let go of his hatchets.They soon start some dumb fight right before me.Toby pulls on the hooded guy's hoodie, While the hooded guy pulls Toby's hair.

"Why do you c-care J-Jackie?"

"Because if he dies so will I."

Suddenly the fighting stops.Toby releases his grip on the hoodie and backs away.

"What are you t-talking a-about J-Jack?"

"I don't know Toby, but I need him alive."

"Ok I trust you."

Upon hearing the conversation I am stunned.I don't know if he is telling the truth or if he just wants to kill me himself.After the fight is done Jack walks towards me.

"Get back!"

"Don't worry, as much as I wanna kill you I can't."

Jack cuts the ropes with his tiny scalpel. And I am set free but I don't move.Jack grabs my hand and a sudden spark of electricity runs through my body.I blush a deep rose color, hopefully he doesn't notice.

E.J Pov

Once the fighting with Toby is done I waste no time to untie my prey.Honestly I wanna know why he is so important and most of all,even if he dies why do I not want anyone to touch him but me.When I grab his hand a large rush goes through my body.I watch as a blush glides across my prey's face.

Both me and my prey run out of the torture room hand and hand.He doesn't look at me not once as we run down the hall.I notice a slight tug at my hand.I look back to see my prey not move an inch.

"Come on, We need you to come with me to see Slender."

I watch as my prey slaps my hand away from him.I want to kill him here and now but yet I don't want to.How could me eating one person's organ change my entire life.

"Why so you both can kill me? If so do it here and now.There is nothing left for me to live for."

I stare at my prey as he has fire in his (e/c) eyes.How could he have nothing left to live for he has friends, he has family he has to go back to.I contuine to stare soullessly into (e/c) eyes full of emotion of my prey.

"What do you mean you have nothing left to live for?"

"Unlike you I don't have anyone there for me.Everyone I know just wishes I would die.So just kill me."

I throw a punch hitting the wall close to his head.His eyes open staring at me not losing trace with me.

"I told you I can't kill you." I growl.

"Why because then you will die also or because you can't yet."

My prey pushes past me and walks down the hall.I can't help but be struck in awe as he talked back to me.Who is he?

"Who are you?"

"I'm just (Y/n) no more no less."

(Y/n) pov

I honestly don't know why but I keep having the need to taste blood.After the big scuffle with Jack I feel like even if I die here tonight it wouldn't matter to anyone.I might as well as get my death over with.I walk down the hall and see one door that is different from all others in the house.I don't know why but I wait there's for Jack to catch up.I wanna know why I am having the need to taste blood.And I have a feeling Jack and the thing behind this door will know.

Jack eventually catches up but due to him wearing that mask I can't tell what he is feeling.

"Listen I'm sorry I had no right to snap at someone who just saved me.But if I met this Slender thing then he will know why I am wanting the taste of blood."

I eagerly wait for Jack for a response wondering if he knows.Slowly Jack nods his head.But before I step in I wanna know something he can answer.

"Why did you pick me to take a kidney from?"

Jack doesn't answer but look away as if he doesn't know.I open the door and am greated with a tall faceless man.I wanna scream and run but I have a feeling he won't hurt me.

Jack walks in after me and we are both told to take a seat.The faceless man starts by asking me simple questions how old am I, who are my parents, blah blah blah.Then he asks has any of my moods changed for me.

"Have you had any dramatical mood changes recently?"


Then the man starts to walk back to his desk to pull out a set of keys.

"Jack,you and (Y/n) must not leave the mansion intill the connection is complete. If you don't neither of you will make it."
Sorry readers If you don't know I am facing some family trouble and thats why I haven't been active a lot.I also won't be as active since have school coming up soon sorry.

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now