Fading of Connections

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(Y/n)'s Pov

Months passed like the changing of moons that would pass by the single nights. And yet, my pregnancy seemed as if it would never end. The puking, the mood swings, everything seemed to take it's toll on me. But with the killer I call my boyfriend beside me, it seemed like I was happy. Well, all but the fact that everyone now knows. Yeah, they know.

"Babe, the girls wanna play a game with ya." Jack answers as he lifts his mask and delivers me a sweet kiss. A dark blush covering my face as the darkened hood returns to Eyeless's head. But of course, not one person would of kept it to themselves, as a hand full of chuckles emerges from downstairs.

"(Sister's name) Don't make me come down there!" I shout and stomp my feet onto the old wooden planks that hold me up but slowly begin to crack. The wood beginning to chip, I look over at the direction where I last saw Jack and notice him gone. Exhausted I sigh as I think of what is going on in his head. But instead, I walk downstairs and glare at my sister and Sally who begin to giggle on the couch.

"Mommy and daddy.....kissy kissy." My sister chuckles as she knows it'll tick me off.

Wiping the joyful tears from the ghostly green eyes, Sally tries to bring back the reality of my sister. With a few tugs and pinches on (Sister's name) she comes back to this deformed reality. And finally a smile of the what comes around goes around protrudes my lips. (Sister's name) is laughing, well more like pleading to Sally to stop tickling her.

"(Y/n) Help me!"

"Sorry (sister's name), but karma is a pain in the butt." I smirk to her as I leave the room to find my boyfriend. But when I make it to the kitchen, I'm met with big boss himself, Slender.

"What do you want Slender?" I snottily speak as I walk around and search for one person I wanna talk to today. Somehow I feel like today is the day that I wanna do it. To think of the time I've been here and with Jack, it feels infinite. But in this reality, it has only been less then a year.

Glaring at my hand where Jack replaced Nina's ring, I smile and hold my head up as I make my way to a different area of the mansion.

"(Y/n) you are listening, right?" Slender asks me again for I have forgotten his existence everytime he spoke.

"Fine, what is it Slender?"

Slender's pov

Walking around like an absent-minded idiot, I study (Y/n) as makes his way into the kitchen. Unphased by my presence he walks past me and looks around for something. Recalling his name for I think the fifth time, I finally gain a response. But his response is more of the brat side as I look at him further. Could he be ill? Maybe it's a side affect of the pregnancy. Rasing my visable eyebrow, I glare at the teenager.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"...." And again I achieve no direct answer. Puzzled at the change of (Y/n)'s personality, I try to think of what else could be causing it. Then I remember. The connection.

"(Y/n), are you listening?"

"Fine, what do you want Slender?"

"It's about the connection with you and Jack. You do remember what stage you are in for it, right?" I ask as he turns towards me and confused face pixilated onto his face.

"Yeah.....I'm pregnant, what about it?"

"Yes, you are. But it is also the final stage. And after you give birth the connection will no longer exists. Do you understand what I am saying?"

"Wait, you said the connection is practically mine and Jack's love for each other right!?! Then if.....if it's gone....." Unable to speak normal sentence, I watch as the now changed human sheads a hand full of tears.

"I'm sorry, but after you give birth you and your sister will have to leave. If you two don't, we will have to kill you both and the baby." I answer in a sad tone as I know it to be rough but also the only way out of this hell he should've been apart of. Treading out of the room I walk past him and walk to my office. In hopes of the paperwork is done with this will all be a distant memory for everyone.

"Pencil dick!"


(Your name)'s Pov

Shellshocked I stand in the middle of the hallway with my jaw a gap. My heart as if being shattered in many pieces that one can never puzzle back together. I shead tears and think of what has just been said. After my baby is born I either stay and have everyone in my family killed or leave and never see Jack again. Hits after hits of my the hurting pain of the decison, I walk to mine and Jack's room and grab a few thinks.

"After you are born, I'll try to win daddy back.....he might not love us anymore....but maybe after a date he might. I mean I have nothing more left to lose."

A grip tug at the straps of my backpack I pack my 'tools' and sneak out of the mansion. The perfect location, I have to get there and set up before anyone knows. And without Seed Eater I have a long journey in my mind.

"I would rather not live then not have my boyfriend." I repeat to myself as I walk through the woods and look for the lake.

"(Y/n) my seems you've gotten busy."

Frozen in fear, I command my body to a halt as I remember the voice of who now spoke. A quick jerk of my head I turn my glaze over to devil a call a relative, behind me. To think, I'm only a few feet from the lake I have to see the one creature I wish was dead.

"Leave me alone, Uncle. I have no time to deal with you."

"Of course you do, Son."

"Wait.....what did you call me?"

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now