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(Y/n) pov

I wake up as dawn's light shines at my face through the crack of the window.I open my eyes to a blood covered room.Where am I, then it hits me I'm here with Jack.I look for Jack just to see he's sleeping on the floor and his hair is a mess.I laugh at the sight making Jack wake up.Jack's pitch black eyes open and look at me with my (h/c) hair a mess also.I also try to hide the fact I was watching him sleep.

"Morning (Y/n)." Jack yawned.

"Oh morning Jack...Um how did you sleep?"

I fiddle with my fingers under the cover trying not to remember what happened last night.Ok yes we have had our falling outs already but the kiss and the hug made me melt.Then I start to blush.Maybe if we finish this connection thing we could try to be a real couple I guess.

"It was ok, Listen I'm sorry about last night."

"It's ok I know you didn't mean too."

"No it's-"

Then the door starts to open.

E.J pov

I hear a cute laugh when I start to wake up.My black orbs look up to see (Y/n) smiling with his cute face.I look at him half awake and greet him.

"Morning (Y/n)." I yawned.

"Oh morning Jack...Um how did you sleep?"

I stare at (Y/n) as he fiddles with his hands by my guess of the ruffled noise of the blanket.Honestly I wanna know if he was awake when I kissed him last night and did he like it? I can't help but think if I killed him I would be just another emotionless person.

"It was ok, Listen I'm sorry about last night."

Truth be told I am not, Even if my minds says it does not agree.But my heart says something else but I don't know what.As I get lost in my thoughts as (Y/n) says something.

It's ok I know you didn't mean to."

He knows I kissed him! I wish I knew what this connection thing is telling me.Then I say my thoughts, luckily the door opens.

"No it's-"

We both glare at the door only to see Slenderman with a couple of trays of food.

"Good your awake, so have you guys gotten closer to each other?"

"Yeah Slender, But what else do you want now?"

"Ok well I also wanted to see how you two are feeling.Connection wise that is."

Me and (Y/n) look at each other as Slender tries "examining" us.Slender asks for me first and asks if I can take off my shirt.And yes I changed last night.

I take off my dark blue shirt exposing my chest.I let Slender do his magical magic stuff not worrying.As soon as it's done I grab my black hoodie and put it on.

"Ok your turn."

I then watch as Slenderman stares (I think) at (Y/n).A quarter of my body tells me will he be ok and don't touch him.

Slenderman's pov

I stare at E.J and notice something different.I just need to see (Y/n) to figure out if he is having the same problem.If so then I have news to tell them.It maybe good or bad depending on them.

(Y/n) pov

"Ok your turn."

The tall man stares at me from across the room.I look at him and think what kind of magic does he have.He doesn't ask me to take off my shirt instead he simply glares at me.

"Um are you done yet?" I say with a bit of sass.

"Yeah, but I have news that may depend on you two whether it's good or bad."

"Ok and what's news?" I hiss.

"Well, The connection has started and it's only 25% complete.But that means you two are at it's weakest point.So you will now be guarded by me and Toby."

"Why Toby?" Jack question's.

"Because he is the only one who knows the situation.Anyway some news just came up see you two later."

With the long conversation over the faceless man leaves.He locks the door once again leaving me and Jack with food and thoughts.

Twenty-five percent, what made it start now.I begin to think as I stare at my food in disgust.It's a simple egg and cheese omlette with bacon and juice.I look over at Jack and he has the same look as I do.

"Um Jack wanna switch?"

I try my best to hide my blush as Jack looks at my food.Tell you the truth I would eat it but that graven of blood is still in my veins.

"Sure thanks (Y/n)."

We both turn our heads to look at each other as we switch our foods.

(E.J pov)

Slender leaves us alone and locks the doors behind him again.If my kiss made the connection start does that mean.All of a sudden a vision appears in my view.

"Mom wake up please.D-dad's..."

The vision then stops. What I saw was (Y/n) as a kid.My face turns to disgust after this.Suddenly me and (Y/n) are switching foods.I look at him and he has a slight blush on his face.Then I think of the vision what happened when he was younger?

I am now placed with a "normal breakfast" as (Y/n) has some of my human organs.Usually I would tell the person off for doing this but today I would mind eating that.

I begin to eat my food and I notice (Y/n) is licking up the blood of the organs.I look away sharply at the view.

"Um...Jack what were you going to say before he came in?"

My cheeks turn a red rose color as that question is asked.I think my emotions are starting to shine now.

Emotional Distress Eyeless Jack xMale! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now