Chapter 1

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Michigan by far has the best weather ever. It's bipolar, so you never know what your going to get. One day it might be cool enough to wear shorts, and the next day you might have to bundle up. But night time was always the best in my case, it was always cool. I liked strolling the streets at night, it's where I got most of my inspiration from. But tonight I'm not thinking about my music, tonight I'm just walking, trying to clear my head. These past couple months have been crazy for me. I don't say I want to forget them, but I also don't want to remember them.

Now I know what your thinking, Darren what happened? Well sit down and get comfortable, because this is a story that I can't just sum up. Well lets see let's start about 3 months ago.

*3 Months Ago*

I walked down the street trying to find inspiration for a new song. All my friends told me that walking alone around at night was dangerous, but I didn't care. I walked along, and stopped when I herd trash cans falling. Me being who I am, I have to check it out. It was a girl.

"Exuse me miss, are you alright?" I asked then held out my hand for her to take it. She grabbed onto my hand and pulled her self up.

"Yes I'm alright." She replied. We stepped out of the ally, and back onto the sidewalk. I could see her, she was about my height, and blonde, her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue.

"May I ask what a girl like your self is doing out this time of night."

"Well I could ask you the same thing." She replied.

"Okay ask me, and I will tell you." I said to her, and she giggled.

"Um, okay, well what is a guy like yourself doing out at this time of night?"

"Well I was walking, trying to five inspiration for a song I am working on. Now I told you what I'm doing, you tell me what your doing."

"Hum, you will think it's stupid. I thought I heard the wine of a dog so I went to investigate, but tripped on the trash cans." She said, then she just hung her head.

"I don't think it's stupid." I told her. She looked up at me and widened her beautiful eyes.


"Really, now I don't mean to change our lovely subject, but we have been talking for the last five minutes, and I don't even know your name. I'm Darren, Darren Criss." I told her and extended my hand out to her.

"Madison, Madison River."

"Well Miss. River, I don't think a a beautiful girl like your self should walk home alone, care for me to walk you home?" I asked her, she blushed at me.

"Hold on, you expect me to let this random guy I just met walk me home. How do I know your not a serial killer?"

"Hum, well I can assure you that in not, other wise I would have already captured you and stuffed you in my big wite van." I told her, she giggled again at me, then gave me a look, just looking me over.

"Hum, sure, I live just down here." Madison said, and we started our way to her house.

"So what are you doing out so late at night?"

"I already told you." She said.

"No you told me why you went down that ally."

"Hum, I guess your right. Well I was looking for my dog, she wondered off." She took a deep breath. "She means the world to me, I have been out all day looking for her."

"Witch would explain why you went down that ally." I said to her, she just nodded. "Well she will turn up."

"That's what everybody says." She said softly. "It's right here." She said pointing at a small house.

"Well I know one place you forgot to look." I told her and pointed at her porch.

"Omigod Elly, your okay!" She exclaimed running to the porch to embrace her dog. It was cute.

"Well I'm glad to see that you found your dog, but I have a long walk home now, but it was worth it." I said winking at her, her face turned a dark shade of pink. "Good night Madison, I will see you around." I told her.

"Nice meeting you." She called out then went inside with her dog. There was something about that girl, she was diffrent, but in a good way.

I continued to walk, the night got darker and colder. I pulled my jacket up on me tighter and keep walking. About fifteen minutes later I finally made it to my apartment.

"Your back later than usual." My roommate Joey said as I walked into the apartment.

"I got busy." I told him.

"Busy at ten o'clock at night, I don't believe you."

"Gosh mom I'm telling the truth." I told him. Joey just laughed at me.

"Whatever don't tell me." He said rolling his eyes. I walked over and plopped down on the couch.

"There was a girl." I told him.

"A girl, like a girl back home." He said. I threw the pillow from off the couch at him.

"I walked her home."

"Wow two night birds, you to are perfect for each other." Joey told me. I rolled my eyes. I headed off to my room to go to bed. I couldn't sleep. For some reason this girl was I'm my mind, and I couldn't shake this feeling she was giving me. I layed there for what seamed like hours, tossing and turning trying to get this girl out of my head. I tried putting my head phones in, it didn't work. I tried to read a book, it didn't work. I finally put in a movie. The movie didn't work but I did eventually pass out while watching it.

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