Chapter 9

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I stopped at a gas station to fill up my truck. I went inside and grabbed a bottle of apple juice and a biscuit. I payed for my gas and food and  went and sat in my truck. The biscuit was stale. I am so tired, but I have to keep going, every minute I waist Madison could be in danger.

I finally entered Bardstown, Kentucky around noon. I need to find out where her father lives. I parked my truck on the square and began walking around. It was actually a beautiful town, so many diffrent types of stores. Dress shops, antiques, records, river supplies. I stopped in front of the river supplies store and read the name. Rivers River Supplies. I entered the shop and walked up to the desk. An elderly man was standing behind it.

"How can I help you today?" He asked me.

"Um, I'm looking for Mr. David Scott River." I told him. He looked at me funny.

"What are you here to close up my shop?"

"No sir, I need to speak to you, him."

"What about?"

"Your daughter, Madison, she has been kidnapped, by her EX boyfriend, and I need help finding her. I know that you two have a rocky past, but I need your help, you must know something." David open his eyes wide at me then took a deep breath.

"Come on boy, let's talk." I followed him to a back office, it was small and smelled musty.

"I regret it, everyday, I regret the way I treated her. I wake up hating myself everyday because I chased my only child away." He said, and then started crying. "Boy, I'll help you, we have to find her so I can make amends."

I told David about what happened. The note and the secret message.

"You see I think that it's her EX who has taken her, do you rembering his name?" I asked him, he nodded his head.

"Yes his name is Cricket, Cricket Barns. His parents live on old Maclean road, third house down, they could probably tell you where he is living. All I know is that he moved to Tennessee."

"Thank you Mr. River. I'm going to find Madison."

"Darren, you a good man." David said.

I leave the shop and head for the Barns house. This town is so beautiful, I wish I could actually enjoy it. I can't, I have to find Madison. I pulled into the Barns house and parked my truck them ran up to the door. I knocked three times, a bit to eagerly.

"May I help you?" The woman asked when she opened the door. She looked sweet, not like a mother of a kidnapper.

"Uh yes mam I am Darren Criss, and I was wondering if I could talk to Mr. or Mrs. Barns?"

"Well Mr. Barns has passed on, but you can speak to me." She said opening the door.

"I'm sorry for your loss mam." I told her as we entered the quaint little living room.

"Why thank you, it's only been two weeks. My son took it real hard."

A red flag popped up in my head. What if her son Cricket went crazy and kidnapped Madison because of his father's passing.

"Well that is who I wanted to talk about your son. Was he and his father close?"

"Yes they were very close." She replied to me.

"I don't know how to say this, you son has kidnapped my girlfriend, his EX, Madison River."


"Yes mam." I went on and told Mrs. Barns the whole story. "So you see, Madison is in trouble and I believe your son has kidnapped her. Do you know where he lives?"

"Yes, yes I do." She grabbed a pen and pice of paper and wrote an address down. "Here, he lives in Paris, Tennessee, it's a long drive so get going now, you have to save her."

"I will, don't you worry." I told Mrs. Barns. Then I hopped in my truck and headed to Paris, Tennessee.

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