Chapter 4

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*Back to reality*

Okay, so the story is going slow. I know, I'm bad at telling stories, I go into every detail. I know that it doesn't seem bad, but just give it some time, and you will see my problem. But to please everyone I'll skip to the day that I asked Madison to be my girlfriend.

*Back to the story*

Tonight was Madison and mine's fifth date. Today I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. We have known each other for about a month now, the only problem is she still won't tell me that secret. I don't bring it up, because I don't want to upset her, but I want to know.

I get dressed up nice. Tonight I was taking Madison to my second favorite restaurant, The Read Plate. It's a fancy restaurant, and has some of the best food in town. This place is expensive, so I scraped every penny I could, this is the date, the date when we become an item. So I gathered every penny I could so that she wouldn't have to pay.

I left my place at 6 and made my way to Madisons house. The drive there felt like forever, probably because I was so excited. I pulled into her driveway and I was sweating like a pig, I was so nervous. I got out and walked up to her door, am I shaking? I am shaking. I knocked on her door, my palms are so sweaty. Madison answered the door and she was stunning. A tight black dress with a bejuled belt. She was stunning.

"You look so beautiful." I said nervously. She looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes and smiled at me.

"Thank you. So where are we going?"She asked me as we made our way to my truck.

"The Red Plate." I said opening my truck door for her.

"The Red Plate?! No." She said once I got in the truck. I started the truck up and we began to drive.

"Uh yes The Red Plate."

"Darren, it's like super expensive. I can't let you pay for me."

"Well I am, and there is no buts about it."

"But Darren."

"Ah ah ah. This is my treat, we have been hanging out alot, going on alot of dates."

"Yea but Darren it's always your treat."

I looked over at her and just smiled. God she was beautiful, her eyes twinkling, she was perfect, tonight was going to be perfect.

We reached the Red Plate, and like usual I got out and opened her door for her, as well as the door to the restaurant. We walked to our table, I pulled out her chair for her, and we both sat down.

"Darren, you are living proof that chivalry still exists." Madison said.

"Well, I believe in treating my girl like a princess." She blushed at me.

The waitress walked up to us. "Good evening, and welcome to the Red Plate. I am Margo your waitress, what can I get you two to drink?"

"I will have a sweet tea." Madison said.

"And I will have Coke." I said to her. The waitress nodded her head and walked off.

"Sweet tea is gross ps." I told Madison.

"It's a southern thing, the only southern habit I couldn't break." She told me.


"Why what?"

"Why would you want to break you southern habits, arnt those the things that remind you of home."

"Yea, and that is why I wanted to break them, so I wouldn't be reminded of home."

I took a breath, I knew what I was about to say could ruin the whole night, but I didn't care. She was taunting me with her big secret, and I can't keep myself from wondering any more.

"Madison why did you come here? Like to Michigan, why did you leave home, what did you run away from." I blurted out.

"Darren," She began, "It's complicated, I'm complicated."

"I'd like a challenge. Madison," I reached across the table and took her hand, "please tell me, I swear it won't change the way I think about you." She looked up at me with her beautiful eyes, she is about to do it, she is going to finally tell me. When she opened her mouth to start talking, the waitress came back.

"Okay, one coke, and one sweet tea. Are we ready to order?" I let go of Madisons hand and looked up at the waitress.

"Um, sure, I'll have the chefs choice." I told her, she nodded her head and scribbled on her note pan then looked over at Madison.

"Uh same." Madison said.

"Okay you food will be out shortly." The waitress said then walked off. Madison took a sip of her drink.

"They have really good tea here, try some." She said pushing to glass to me. I smiled at her and tried it. I had lost my chance to find out what happened. I gave her cup back to her.

"So, what do you think?" Madison asked me.

"Fine its not that bad." I told her. I wasant going to force her to tell me. The rest of the night went on, we talked about anything and everything. And when our food finally came it was a huge chicken pot pie. But it wasn't like any other one I had ever had, this one was so much better. When we finished we payed and left. I opened the door of my truck for her and them I got in and we left.

"Darren, thank you, tonight was absolutely amazing." Madison said snuggling up on me. We drove in silence, just happy to be with each other. My heart began to race faster and faster as we got closer to her house. This was it i was going to ask her, to make us official. I pulled in, put my truck in park but left it running.

"Madison I need to ask you something." My heart was racing so fast that I was sure it was about to beat right out my chest. Madison sat up and looked at me. "Okay, here goes. I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. And I love that we have been hanging out alot lately. And I know that you said that your complicated, well I don't care, because all I want is to be with you. I have never felt this way around anyone ever before. And we'll I was wondering if you wanted to make us official l, like boyfriend and girlfriend."

Madison looked at me. I could tell it in her eyes that she was touched by what I said.

"Darren yes, I would love to." She said. I leaned in and kissed her, it felt better than our first kiss. This one felt like fireworks are going off, this one felt right. We let go and pressed out for heads together, just taking in each others presence. I got out and opened my car door and then walked her to her porch.

"Good night Madison." I said softly kissing her lips. She smiled at me.

"Good night Darren." She said then went inside her house.

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