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Luke woke up and stretched. He looked at the time. 5:53 PM.  He didn't hear any noise coming from the living room or the kitchen. There wasn't any noise at all. Luke found that a bit strange. Usually the house would be loud.

Luke walked around the house to try and find his family. Yet he couldn't. No one was home. Luke wondered where they could be. But knowing Ashton, he might've taken the kids to the park.

Luke checked his phone to see if Ashton called him. He did have missed calls, but from someone else. He clicked on the number and waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello?" Luke asked after the ringing stopped.

"Hi, are you Luke Irwin?" The person asked.

"Yes, who is this?" Luke asked.

"I'm Amy. And I'm calling from Kaiser to inform you of a tragic accident that had happened." She explained.

"I think you have the wrong number..." Luke said.

"No. We have the right number. We've called everyone on Ashton's contacts. I'm sorry for your lost." She said, actually sounding said.

"But who died?" Luke asked the suspense killing him.

"Your husband, two daughters, and your son." She listed.

Luke let the phone drop. He fell to his knees, this can't be happening. Not to him no. First Allison, now everyone? Luke couldn't believe her. This must all be a dream.

Luke grabbed his phone and asked one last question, "C-Can I go see them?" He asked.


Luke ran to the hospital. He didn't want to see them, yet he did. He wanted to see them one last time, before he doesn't see them ever again. He got to the floor the receptionist had told him about when she called.

Luke went to the front desk. He asked right away in what room they were in. Luckily they were all placed in two rooms next to each other.

Luke was escorted to Ashton and Nicolas' room first. He gave the male nurse a smile. He walked in and walked over to Ashton's side.

"H-hi, Ashton. I know you can't hear me, but I just want to tell you that I will forever love you. No matter what happens. I wished this was all a dream. That nothing of this was real." Luke cried.

"We had so much to live for. The graduation of our 3 kids. Our anniversaries. Future grandchildren. We had so much, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Don't worry though. I will see you again." Luke kissed Ashton's lips one last time.

Luke walked over to Nicolas. He knew this was just horrible. He lost his second son. He was only 2 years old, it's like the whole Jacob thing. But this time around its everyone he ever loved, loves.

"Nick. My second son. You didn't get to live that much, but you made it further than your brother. I can't believe that this happened to me. I lost everyone now. I'm going have to move back to Aussie. You'll be there with your brother Jacob. You two might be already playing in the playground of angels. I hope that I have the strength to survive without you guys." Luke kissed Jacobs forehead.

"A drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

I don't wanna waste the weekend
If you don't love me pretend
A few more hours then it's time to go

As my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm
It's too late to cry
Too broken to move on

Same Mistakes (Lashton Mpreg/ AU)Where stories live. Discover now