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(A/n): BABY!!! ^^ or>>

Once at the hospital, Ashton went to the emergency room. He was panicking a lot. He thought he would pass out, but he tried not to. Then how will he know what happened to Luke.

"Ma'am, can I get someone to help me please?!? My husband he passed out and he's pregnant. I'm not sure why... Please just help! I don't want nothing bad happening to neither of them." Ashton cried as he talked with the lady at the front desk.

"Oh... How many months has he been pregnant?" She asked Ashton

"8 months." Ashton responded.

"I will call his doctor. I need the full name of your husband." She said.

"Luke Robert Irwin Hemmings." Ashton said. Looking down at the very pale Luke in his arms.

The lady type away on her keyboard. She then called Dr. Janice. All Ashton could do was hope that Luke would wake up. He was getting scared as the minutes passed by. He was scared that something happened to his baby.

"Sir, Dr. Janice will be out here ready to deal with Mr. Irwin in a few seconds." As she finished say that Dr. Janice walked out with a hospital bed and nurses helping her.

"Ashton please lay Luke down. We have to find out what's wrong with him. Which might end up in us having to do a C section on him." She said. Starting to walk towards the doors.

Ashton followed her, "So does that mean that he is about to give birth?"

"Most likely yes." She said. "If you want you can come with us. But you would need to change into scrubs, as you did last time"

"Oh,okay." Ashton said.

Ashton was handed scrubs so he could change. Ashton ran to the closes restrooms. Which were coincidentally a few seconds away. Ashton found an empty stall and put the scrubs on. Yeah you just put them up over your clothes, but Ashton feels weird when people stare at him. When he walked out a male nurse was waiting for him.

He lead him to the room where Luke was at. There were nurses all over the place. Ashton just took the stool next to Luke, who was now awake.

"L-Luke!" Ashton semi-yelled.

"Ashton? Why am I here?" Luke asked.

"Babe, your about to give birth..." Ashton explained.

Luke gave him a confused expression, "B-but I still have a month to go..."

"Well guess this one wants to arrive already." Ashton giggled.

Luke smiled. Dr.Janice then walked towards the two men. She explained the whole session for them. Luke paled even more, if that was even possible. He didn't want to be cut open that would feel terrible.

He asked if there was a different way of him giving birth. Dr.Janice told him that this was the only way they are able to do this. Luke started crying, he didn't want to do this.

"Luke, come do this for the baby." Ashton said.

"Okay... let's get this over with." Luke sighed.


After getting Luke ready for the C session, Dr. Janice numbed the lower half of Luke. That way he wouldn't feel as much pain. Luke was really scared, he's heard of people dying cause of a C session and he doesn't what that happening to him. He wants to see his baby, he doesn't want to leave Ashton alone to raise them.

"Ash..." Luke said.

Ashton was still sitting on the stood next to Luke, "Yes."

"I'm scared..." Luke teared up.

Same Mistakes (Lashton Mpreg/ AU)Where stories live. Discover now