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After the confession that ,wasn't suppose to happen, happened. Becky and Jessy were sworn to not ever have that again until they are married. And they agreed.

It's been a week since that happened though. So everything has less tension. Now it's mostly Michael trying to ask Calum on a date or something like that.

Michael has been uneasy about the whole 'I like guys' thing. Because he always thought he liked girls and girls only, not boys. Which is still hard for him to believe. But he has accepted himself, he just can't believe it.

"So, what do you want me to tell Calum?" Michael asked.

"Just ask him would you like to go on a date with me?" Ashton said.

"You make it look so easy! When it's not!" Michael yelled.

"I know it's not. Try and propose. That shit is terrifying as fuck." Ashton said.

"You have a point. But how should I say it?" Michael asked.

"Say it in a nice smooth voice. Try to not stutter. That will ruin it just a hit. Not a lot. Though." Luke said.

"Why does it seem so easy, but its not!" Michael asked.

"It depends on how you view it." Luke said.

"Okay so what else should I do?" Michael continued asking questions.


"So this is it... I'll see you guys back in Australia?" Michael said.

"Yeah. In a couple of days. Well spend some days here in Cali. Just to explore." Luke answered.

"Okay. See then." Michael said before he gave the two men hugs and left.

"Are we going to sleep or travel?" Luke asked.

"What ever you want." Ashton said.


One thing you don't want to do in life is loose a child. That's the main thing a parent doesn't want to happen to them at all. But sadly it does happen.

And to Luke and Ashton it wasn't their lucky day. They lost Becky and Allison. Worst part Becky wasn't even their daughter, they thought it would've been Jessy at least.

"Jessy! I thought she was with you!" Luke yelled. Looking a round for ten two lost girls.

"No, I was getting something out of the car." Jessy said.

"Let's find them, before I go crazy!" Luke yelled.

Ashton and Jessy started looking for Becky and Allison. Seriously, though, who looses their daughter plus their daughters girlfriend? Oh wait, Luke and Ashton do. Such amazing parents.



"Girls, where are you?!?"

"Becky, your mums are going to kill us!" Luke yelled.

This was very sad to watch. Yet funny, mostly sad though. Because they lost their youngest daughter plus a girl who's not even theirs.
That is very sad.

"Dad, what if we can't find them? We are in Los Angeles, there are gangs here-"

"Jessy shut up, don't fucking think negative stuff. We will find them!" Luke yelled at her.

"Okay. But like what if we can't find them?" Jessy asked.

"We will, and we won't stop until we do. Because it's my first born and your girlfriend. Who which, isn't even related to us. Plus her mums will kill us each." Luke explained.

"That's true. I'm going to walk around." Jessy said.

"Do you have your phone?" Luke asked, Jessy nod in response.

She started walking to the other side of the park. Hopefully she can find Becky and Allison. On the way, she saw a bunch of people surrounding what seemed a performance. She walked towards it. Then she saw who it was. It was not a performance. It was just a very famous person. Which happened to be one of Jessy's favorite Viners. Matthew Espinosa.

Jessy didn't know if she should keep looking for Becky and Allison. Or stop and get a photo with Matt. And as always she went into the crowd and tried to get a better sight of him, at least. She was so happy, yet surprised he was there at the same time she was.

Usually when an artist is in Sydney, she finds out two days after they leave. It always makes her sad. And this fascinated her. So she tried to get a picture with him, then this girl pushed her over to the side.

"Um... excuse you!" Jessy said.

The girl that pushed her looks at her. She didn't say nothing at first. The only thing she was doing is looking her up and down.

"Wow the emo talks." the girl finally said.

Jessy was beyond pissed now, "I rather not have you call me that, thank you."

Jessy knew if she solved this with violence her parents wouldn't like it. Plus they might limit her options while in Cali.

"Just because you say that, doesn't mean I'm going to stop." She glared.

Jessy ignored the girl, she didn't want to fight her. Jessy just walked away to the front, without pushing people. And to her surprise she was way closer to Matthew then before.

Matthew turned around. Jessy stepped up next to him, "Hi."

Matthew smiled at her, "Hello there pretty girl!"

Jessy was smiling widely, "Um... I'm a huge fan... can... can I have a picture?"

"Yeah sure! Anything for a fan!" Matthew said getting next to Jessy.

Jessy unlocked her phone and saw a lot of unseen messages. She went to her camera first, then took a picture. Before she left she gave Matthew a big hug. Which Matthew said was one of the best hugs he's ever received.

She called her dad since he was the one sending her nearly all the messages.

"Dad! You will not believe what just happened!!!" Jessy exclaimed.

"What?" Luke asked nervously.

"I just got to meet one of my idols!!! Dad I met Matthew Espinosa!" Jessy started crying.

"W-what? He's here?" She heard that was her father.

"Yes! I took a picture with him and gave him a hug! I'm so happy right now that I'm crying!" Jessy explained.

"Okay stay where you are. By the way we found Becky and Allison." Ashton said.

Jessy explained where she was. Her smile never leaving her face as she looked at the photo of her and Matthew. She was so happy nothing can beat this.

Once Luke and Ashton found her. Jessy right away showed them the picture. She started ranting about it. Luke and Ashton both listened, as they both knew this Matthew Espinosa guy meant a lot to her.

(A/N): Chapter 13! Like it?

I WANT TO MEET MATTHEW ESPINOSA SO BADLY DX I really do. Anyways.... So ... uh I might need your help to help me choose what story I should right next. Because I'm about to finish two stories and I'm writing one after I'm done with those two. Cause I still have my Michael Preferences, Larry/ Lashton one shots, an this story after that. Or maybe I should wait until I'm done with this? What do you guys think? Please help me!

See ya later


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