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"How much longer do I have to be in those homophobic school?" Jessy asked.

"Just another three years. You barely just finished your first year here." Luke told her as he played with Nicolas.

"Yeah, but they hate me here! Is there a different reformed school?" Jessy asked.

"There's an all girl reformed street down the street." Ashton said typing something on his laptop.

"Father can you please move me to that one?" Jessy begged.

"I'll think about it. But you haven't change in the 7 months that we've been here." Ashton reminded her "you've only gotten worst."

"Maybe it's the school. There's a lot of girls who don't like me. Please just move me, I hate it here!" Jessy cried out.

"Okay, Jessica. I'll move you, but you still have to attend that school until everything is ready." Ashton explained.

"Thank you so much!" Jessy hugged her Father.


"You know we might not stay here for that long right?" Ashton said to Luke.

"I know. We can't just leave Jessica by herself... But I'm tired of being here. I don't see none of my friends." Luke pouted.

Ashton kissed Luke. "Plus I'm nearly done with the job I had here. Which means we might have to move back to Sydney."

"Do you think Jessica will like that? She's really starting to like it here. Even after being here for a long time. A year." Luke said.

"Has it really been a year?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah... the days go by fast." Luke mumbled then yawned.

"Are you tired?" Ashton kissed Luke's forehead.

"Yes, but the kids are awake and I have to pick up Jessica from sch-"

"I'll take care of them. You just go and sleep." Ashton said.

Luke smiled and left to their room to sleep. He hasn't gotten that much sleep now a days. If he did get sleep it was only 3-4 hours each day. He hasn't had 9 hours of sleep in so long. So he was happy that he finally now he might get the extra sleep he needs.


Ashton looked at the time. There was only a few minutes before Jessy got out of school. So he took Allison and Nicolas and took them to the car. He set them up in their assigned car seats.

He turned on the radio. And drove down the street to pick Jessy up. Ashton parked in front of the building. He turned the car off and waited for her. He turned around to look at the children. They were both asleep.

Ashton heard the door open and saw Jessy sit next to him crying.

"Jessy, what happened?" He asked.

"I hate everyone! The girls hate me here too! They make fun of me and I try to be strong, but somehow they find a way to break me." Jessy explained.

"You'll stay here. I'll go talk to the principal." Ashton said.

Jessy nod her head before Ashton left. She kept on crying and knowing that nothing will be the same if she went back to Australia. She knew that probably half of her 'friends' forgot about her or don't care about her no more. Jessy just hates her life and wish she could do something that will make her change one moment in her life. A moment that could've changed this situation.

She knows she can't do that. That there's only two solutions. One) changing her attitude towards everyone and getting along with people, in hopes of her 'fitting in'. Two) just end it all.

She looked out the window to see her father walking back to the cat. She wiped off her tears and took deep breathes before he sat on the drivers seat.

"So did he say?" Jessy asked.

"That he's going to have a talk with the girls tomorrow morning." Ashton said "Jessy why didn't you tell us before?"

"Because I felt like you guys would move me back to my other school. It was way worst over there." Jessy explained.

"What did they do to you?" Ashton looking directly at Jessy.

"Th-they h-hit me... Or they would k-kick me. It was more violent there than here. Please don't move me." Jessy cried.

"Jessy, Luke and I want the best for you. You know that right?" Jessy nodded,"If we have to move you to a different reformed school than we will. We don't want to loose another child of ours. That would wreck the both of us."

"Yeah, I know. You two want the best of the best for your children. But I'm adopted-"

"And we don't care. You are our child. No matter what, we adopted you because we wanted you to grow up with loving parents. You have that now. Please don't think low of yourself because of that." Ashton said.

"I'll try. Can we go get some ice cream?" Jessy asked wiping away more tears.

"Yeah sure, but you'll have to go in yourself. The kids just went to sleep." Ashton chuckled.

"It's okay. Don't worry." Jessy smiled.


Ashton parked the car in front of the ice cream shop. He gave Jessy the money and waited for her in the car. Not long after they decided to eat the ice cream in the car and drive home.

They were singing alone to the songs on the radio. They laughed and smiled, but nothing last forever nothing stays the same. The unthinkable happened.

As Ashton was making a turn in an intersection and a car crash into them.

Everything happen very quickly. They didn't even have time to think about the event. The last thing they remember is Jessy yelling out "FATHER WATCH OUT!!"

After that everything was blank for them.

The scene was beyond terrible. Smoke everywhere. Broken glass on the cars' hoods or in the car. It was just a scary thing. Many people tried to save the 5 humans. By only succeeded with 2. But they weren't sure if they were still breathing or not.

In the end. No one made it out alive. 6 lives were torn.

(A/N): Chapter 16! Like it?

Haha... I'm gonna go run now. I bet you guys just want to stab me in ways that i didn't even know that you could a person. One chapter and epilogue. I'll update this faster. If I get 10+ comments.

See ya later.


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