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14:1:1 day

(A/N): Anyone that lives in Sacramento or near. I'm having a 5sosfam meet up. If you want more info contact me.

Luke and Ashton were still at the hospital. And they will have to be there until Luke's stitches are closed.

"Ashton, what made you choose the name?" Luke asked as he fed Nicolas.

"Well... I remember that some years back you told me that you wanted to have a boy and name it Nicolas. And well Cruz... I liked that name." Ashton said.

Luke smiled at the fact that Ashton remembered what he said. And he said that over 4 years ago. Not even Luke remembered that. So this was really nice.

"Well, I love it. And I forgive you, because I still love you." Luke said as he looked up at Ashton.

"Thank you so much Luke. I promise to never hurt you ever again. That I will take good care of you for the rest of my life. That no one will hurt us. I'll will keep us together, this time I will let no one come in between." Ashton said and kissed likes forehead.

"I'm so in love with you..." Luke sighed. He put the bottle in the counter next to him.

Luke gently got up and burped Nicolas. Once the boy burped he started rocking him to sleep. Luke looked down at his son. Then he started crying. Ashton took notice in the action.

"Luke, why are you crying?" Ashton asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Luke had to catch his breath before he started to speak, "Because he reminds me of Jacob. Like his hazel eyes, are almost like Jacob's"

Ashton looked at Nicolas' features. And yeah he does look a lot like Jacob. His dirty blonde hair, their eyes, even their noses look a like. People might say 'It's because their siblings', but no it was like Nicolas was a spit image of Jacob. Almost like twins.

"Wow. I didn't take notice in that at first" Ashton said. "Do you think we should call the lads and tell them."

"Yeah. I forgot they didn't know." Luke said.

And so Ashton ended up calling multiple people. Like friends and family. They all told him the days they were going to visit them. Which was something Ashton was thankful for.



"Becky calm yourself." Jessy whispered.

"What! I can't help that he's this adorable." She explained.

"Of coarse he's gonna be adorable he's part Hemmings." Luke spoke up.

"And Irwin!" Ashton added.

Right now Jessy and Becky were the only ones in the room. And so far they are in love with the baby. They've only been in the room with them for like 10 minutes. It was kinda of weird for Ashton and Luke to see their daughter and her girlfriend fangirl.

"Yeah, oh my gosh he has a mixture of your eyes. But they're more hazel than blue." Becky pointed out.

"What?! Let me see!" Luke said as he got his baby back.

He examined the boy. It was true. His eyes are mixed. He didn't realize that before time. That's amazing, though. He's a little mini Ashton and Luke.

"So are you two back together?" Jessy asked her Dads as she took her brother from her Dad.

"Yeah. I think that if it wasn't for Nicolas, Luke wouldn't forgiven me at all." Ashton said as Luke handed Nicolas to Jessy.

"That's true, but at the same time no. No because what you did really hurt me. You out of all people, I thought you truly did care for me. And yes because I'm still the biggest fool for you. I will still love you even if you went out and killed 5 people." Luke smiled.

"I don't kill people. So that last part was unnecessary." Ashton laughed as he kissed Luke.

"You two are so fucking cute! I swear you're goals as fuck." Becky said.

"What they hell does that mean?" Jessy turned to her girlfriend.

"It means that... they do stuff that I want or multiple people want in a relationship. Like how they love each other no matter what. And how they have endless love for one another. And how they still do the cutest of things even though they've been together for a long time." She sighed. "I wished Jessy was more like you two."

Jessy glared at her. Why would she said that in front of her parents. Now she's gonna get yelled at once she gets home. Well they go home.

"Jessy, we are going to have a talk." Ashton said.

"So anything new girls?" Luke asked.

"Oh, a winter dance is coming up, but Jessy doesn't want to go. I do tho. And there's this one girl who's new-"

"Becca?" Jessy asked.

"Yeah her. Anyways. She has been hitting on me ever since she arrived at the school!" Becky said.

"She's been at the school for 2 months." Jessy said a bit mad, "Why haven't you told me anything about it?"

"Cause I don't like her. I tell her that everyday, but she won't listen. I told her I was taken and shit. But she doesn't give up easily." Becky replied.

"Imma slap a bitch on Monday." Jessy said.

"That's my girl!" Ashton cheered.

"Ashton!" Luke and Becky yelled.

"What?" Ashton said.

"Do not support violence! That's something bad. Violence isn't something that should be supported. If anything you should ground her for saying something like that!" Luke said.

"Damn. I was gonna yell at the whore. Calm yourself. I'm gonna go outside with Alex and Jack." Jessy said giving Nicolas to Luke.

She walked out after Luke revived the boy. Jessy looked as if she was about to cry or start yelling at someone. And that's not a good thing if your talking about Jessy. She can do really crazy stuff when she's mad.

"Should I go after her and make sure that she's okay?" Becky asked.

"I think that's the best thing to do." Luke said.

"Okay. Um... I'll see you guys." She said before running out to find Jessy.

This can lead to something good or it can all go down in flames. That can be the worse thing that can happen. Becky doesn't want nothing bad to happen at all. She doesn't what Jessy do to something she will regret.

"Ash, in scared. We know what she's capable of doing..." Luke said.

"We told her what will happen if she did it again." Ashton explained.

"Yeah, she's still gonna do it anyways." Luke replied.

"That's true." Ashton said.

And so they waited and hopes for the best.

(A/N): Chapter 9! Like it?

So idk where I'm going with this story tbh. I'm just gonna make this a random story type of thing. With random af stuff in it XD.

SCHOOLS ALMOST OVER!!! Couple more weeks!

See ya later.


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