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*2 months prego*

14 years / 1 year


"Can I ask you guys a question?" Jessy asked.

She wasn't sure if she should ask her parents the question right now. But she is really confused on who she is. She just wants an answer and her parents are the only ones who can give her one.

"Depends, what is it about?" Ashton asked.

Jessy decided to just ask it bluntly, "How did you guys know you were gay?"

Luke and Ashton took their attention away from Allison. They stared at their 14 year old daughter. Neither of them expected this question from her. She's too young for this, or so they thought.

"Why the question?" Luke asked as he put Allison in her play pen.

"Because I think I maybe bi...?" Jessy explained, but came out more as a question.

"Well...uh... Ashton you tell her." Luke made Ashton explain.

Ashton groaned before talking, "Okay. Why do you think so?"

"Because I like this one girl and she's really pretty. I find myself looking at her a lot. And wow. Her eyes are amazing. Good thing about this is that she's bi too." Jessy said with a sigh.

"Ahh... okay... how do I put this... yeah your not straight no more. Welcome to the LGBT community! Cookies on the right. Drinks on left. And rainbow cupcakes next to the rainbow cookies." Ashton said.

Jessy and Luke burst out laughing. Luke knew he would say something like this. He remembers how they talked about having kids and if they turned out being gay or lesbian or bi. Ashton said what he just said to Jessy. Luke told him that he'll get out a rainbow out of the blue and say "Welcome home my fellow rainbow!" Yeah very accepting people, they would be hypocrites if they didn't support her. Like support your team mates.

"By the way you guys know her." Jessy added after she stopped laughing.

Both Luke and Ashton gasped, they knew this would happen. They even bet on it. And they were right. They knew Becky and Jessy would date and later in life get married. And that explained why they started to cheer. People would think they were high, but they weren't.

"Damn. I love this family!" Ashton smiled.

And then the doorbell was heard. They were quiet not expecting any one. They looked at each other and asked "Who did you invite?" And they just stood there. Jessy knew it was Matthew. She had a feeling. He hasn't stopped calling, texting, not talking to her at school.

"I'll go get it." Jessy said. Done with Matthew.

She opened the door and she saw Matthew, he was holding a bouquet of roses and a small stuffed lion. She was surprise he actually remembered that she liked lions and not bears. Jessy stood there looking at him.

"Please! Just one more try! I swear I won't mess this up." Matthew pealed.

Jessy looked at him. Then she realized that he looked as if he was crying. Did he really want her back? Maybe she should give him another chance. But she's scared that he might break her heart again. But isn't that what life is about, finding who your true love is because of heartbreak?

"Matty... I'll give you one more try. But please don't do something you will regret. Or that I will regret. Please." Jessy said.

"Okay. I'll promise to be the best boyfriend ever. I don't care if it will take me months to become the best. But I will try." Matthew cried.

Jessy took the gifts Matthew got her and placed them on the table next to the door. She gave him a hug and he didn't let go. He hugged her really tight and just remembered the day they met.

But as every happy moment it had an end. The ending wasn't sad, more like dramatic. Ashton saw them hugging and he got a bit mad. Jessy forgot that her parents were in the house. Ashton basically kicked him out of his house, while Jessy glared at him.

"Jessica can you explain why you were hugging him?" Ashton asked after he kicked him out.

"If I tell will you promise not to be mad." She said.

"Okay, promise." Ashton sighed.

"Okay, well.... we got back together. I thought I should give him another try and see if he breaks my heart again. And if so I know that he won't be the one and I should leave him. And just be friends." Jessy said.

"I promised I wouldn't be mad, but why would you do that?!? I know boys his age! They only want to play around with your feelings." Ashton yelled.

"I know. I just got tired of him coming up to me during lunch at school. Becky always has this look on her face that tells me that I should probably give him a chance. Which I don't know why..." Jessy said.

"Well... I don't know what to say. Just get ready for dinner. I'll start getting the food ready. And remember to choose something for the talent show." Ashton said.

Jessy stood there shocked, "What talent show? I have no idea why you are talking about."

"I have ever told you that your a bad liar? The school called and told me to tell you to choose something. You should sing, you sing at our wedding which had a lot of people there. I bet you can at the school." Ashton said.

".... I'll think about that." Jessy said as she ran up to her room.


"Luke we didn't mark that on the adoption papers, so I guess we kinda have to let them." Ashton said to Luke.

"I don't want them near her tho. What if she wants to go back with them. Thy will take our daughter away from us, I don't want to loose another child." Luke cried.

"We won't don't worry. We'll just have to go back to the adoption center to mark that. I won't let them take her away from us. That's the last thing we want." Ashton said hugging Luke.

"But what she does what to meet them? I think we she include her opinion in this." Luke whispered.

"I think so to. Let's just tell her over dinner and if she wants to meet them then we'll let her. If not then all of would be happy." Ashton said.

"Okay." Luke sighed.


At dinner they discussed a lot of this. From Allison's Baptism, the talent show, Jessy and Matthew being a couple again, what the baby might be, and then the bomb dropped.

"Jessy, what do you think of your real parents?" Luke asked

Jessy was quiet for a long time. Luke thought he did something wrong and that he shouldn't of said that. He thought that it was still too early for her to talk about that. Then she spoke up.

"I don't want to see or get to know them ever. If they care about me then they wouldn't of left me... But I guess they didn't give a fuck about me so why should I give a fuck about them?" Jessy explained.

"Hey don't swear! Allison is right here!" Ashton yelled

"Sorry, yeah I don't way to meet them at all." Jessy said

(A/N): Chapter 2! Like it?

I wrote most of the in a school bus on the way to the Academy of Science in San Fransisco. It was a very long trip 2 hours! And this took 20 min out of the 2 hours XD It was fun-ish.

See ya later


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