Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

At some point in your life, you will probably get to a point where it feels like everything is falling apart. It will feel like your life is totally meaningless, and that it's not worth anything anymore. After just one single event, your life is only going one way, and that way is down. Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore. You're just slowly deteriorating, hoping for the end to come. That day came for me on May 28th, 2014.

That is the day my life completely collapses.

It starts out as any other normal day in the life of me. I get up, get dressed, and wait for Chloe to escort me to breakfast. After a few minutes, Chloe appears, and we walk downstairs for breakfast. After I'm done with eating, I take a walk with David to the courtyard. I still can't go anywhere by myself at this point, which annoys the crap out of me.

David and I finally make it to the courtyard. We walk through the garden and decide to sit next to the pool. David looks up at the sky through the skylight and smiles. He stands up and goes behind me, to which I raise my eyebrows.

"David, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Nothing." David answers innocently.

"Hey, Juliette, guess what?"

"What?" I ask impatiently. Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around my waist and David lifts me off of the ground. I shriek in surprise.

"David, put me down!" I yell.

"Fine." David says sneakily, and I immediately realize what David's going to do.

"David, don't you da-" I'm cut off when David throws me into the pool. I surface, coughing badly. Thank God I didn't wear white today, I think.

"That wasn't very nice." I say, pouting.

"Whatever." David says, shrugging.

"Now get out, you need to dry off before lunch." I smirk. Two can play at this game.

"No." I say. David's smile drops.


"I quite like it in here. I'm not leaving." I say. David smirks.

"Fine." David rips off his shirt, revealing his six pack. David may be insane, but he sure is hot.

He jumps in the pool, and I swim to the other side of the pool.

"You got to catch me!" I tease. David swims to me, but at the last second, I go under water and slip through his legs. Maybe those boring swim lessons finally paid off.

I resurface just in time to hear David groan.

"Juliette, you are a piece of work, you know that?" He asks.

"I know." I say, smiling innocently. David propels towards me using the wall of the pool, and I once again submerge. I swim under David again, but this time he's expecting it. David grabs my ankle and yanks it upward (which doesn't feel too good, by the way), forcing me to resurface. David pulls my ankle towards him, and I am completely helpless as I'm pulled towards him. After a few seconds, David is close enough to me to grab my waist and close the space between our bodies.

"Did you really think it would be that easy to escape me?" David whispers in my ear, making shivers run down my spine. I smirk and nibble on David's ear, making him shiver.

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