Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


            Beep. Beep. Beep.

            My eyes fly open and I sit up quickly, gasping for breathe. I look around. Where am I? This is definitely not the hospital. I’m in a small yellow room with red curtains. I’m in the front of the room, while there are rows of chairs to my right. The whole place looks kind of cheesy. There’s a beeping noise through the doorway and the right that sounds somewhat like a microwave. I look down and see I’m wearing a black dress with red ribbons cascading down my legs. And I’m sitting in a…. Coffin? Wow. It concerns me how close it was between me coming back and them burying me.

            I slowly step out of the coffin, but something falls on the floor. I turn around and see a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper and a green bow.

            It must have fallen out of the coffin. I think. That does make sense. I did fall a few weeks before Christmas. I wonder where everyone is. I hope I’m not too late.

            “Juliette.” A familiar voice says. I turn around and see David looking like he just met a ghost. Which, he kind of did.

            “Close your mouth.” I say jokingly.

            “You’ll catch flies.” David runs over to me and envelopes me in a bone crushing hug.

            “You were dead.” David cries into my shoulder.

            “Your heart stopped beating. You stopped breathing. You were dead.”

            “I know.” I say.

            “I killed you Juliette. I just wasn’t thinking. I wanted to show you that you need me, that I can help you. But you fell too fast, I couldn’t catch you, I-“

            “Shhh, it’s okay.” I interject.

            “I’m here now, and that’s all that matters.”

            “I’m so so sorry Juliette.” David says sorrowfully.

            “It’s okay. Don’t be.” Then I do something I never thought I would do. I look straight into David’s eyes, and I kiss him.

            David immediately kisses back, closing the space between our bodies. I wrap my arms around his neck as our lips move softly and slowly against each other. We pull apart and I give David a smile, which he returns. All of a sudden, Chloe and Marsa appear in the doorway shocked.

            “Juliette!” They both say at the same time as they run towards me. I hug them as tight as humanly possible.

            “Juliette, I missed you.” Chloe says.

            “I missed you too, Chloe.” I answer, pulling out of the hug.

            “I missed all of you.” Which is true. I did miss David a little bit. I miss 14 year old David. He would have never beaten me, or killed me. I hope, when David dies, his soul turns into his 14 year old self.

            “What happened?” Marsa asks. My smiles fades away and I clear my throat.

            “I - uh – died. And then I talked to Alisa. And I came back.” Everyone was silent. You could hear a pin drop.

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