Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


            I wake up on a cold metal surface and a faint beeping noise meets my ears. I open my eyes and immediately close them again because of a blinding light. I try to open my eyes again, only squinting this time, and eventually my eyes adjust. I move my head side to side taking in my surroundings, and see that I’m in a… hospital room. How could that be? If David ever took me to the hospital, we both know they would ID me and arrest David. But here I am, in the hospital. I notice David in the corner of the room arguing with some guy I don’t recognize.

            “We have to take her off life support.” The guy says.

            “She’s not going to make it.”

            “No!” David yells, and the guy flinches.

            “I’m in love with her. She can’t just die. It’s my fault she fell, so I need to fix this. I won’t let you take her off of life support, not in a million years.”

            David’s the one who pushed me? I think. But why?

            “David.” I groan, feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see my hospital gown is covered in blood.

            “Juliette.” David says, noticing I’m awake. He runs up next to me, the other guy right behind him.

            “Juliette! You’re alive!” David exclaims, kissing me.

            “David, I don’t feel too good. Am I….. am I dying?” I ask.

            “No.” David says, shaking his head.

            “You’re going to be fine.” Suddenly, the beeping stops, holding out a long screech instead.

            “David, we’re losing her. We need to get her to the emergency room!” The other guy says urgently. A bunch of people come in and take me out of the room, David and the guy walking briskly beside me.

            “Juliette, please don’t go.” David pleads.

            “It’s not your time yet. You have so much to live for. Think about our future. We were going to get married, have kids, grow old together. You just have to hold on. I love you.” And then the surgery room door closes and I’m stuck with a bunch of strangers.

As the people are hurrying and hurrying to try to save me, I get this pull in my gut. It’s a strange feeling, one I have never experienced before. The pull gets stronger and stronger and stronger until I can barely stand it. The pull is tempting me to let go, to stop trying, to let it overcome me. My eyes get droopy, and I reluctantly close them. I’m guessing the people are surgeons and they’re trying to save me, but I can’t feel it. I can’t feel anything. All I can feel is that strange pull.

Maybe dying won’t be so bad. I think.

Goodbye Chloe. Goodbye Ben. Goodbye Marsa. Goodbye World.

And then I let the darkness consume me forever.


I wake up again, but this time, not on a cold metal surface. It feels soft and fluffy, like I’m sleeping on a cloud. I open my eyes and sit up, looking around the room. It’s completely white, except for a bouquet of roses on the bed stand. There is a rose every color, even some colors I’ve never seen before. And then I look down and gasp. I’m wearing a long white satin dress that is probably the most comfortable thing I’ve ever worn. And the bed I’m laying on…. Is a cloud? That’s what it certainly looks like.

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