Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

September 1st rolls around quickly, and we still haven't been caught. And this is the day. This is the day Marsa meets Ben.

After Marsa and I are done with our business, we walk down the bridge as usual. Just as we reach the barn, however, I stop Marsa.

"Come on, I have something to show you." I say. Marsa, being too tired to protest, follows me through the tree line and into the forest. We walk towards the destination for a few minutes, and with each step my anticipation grows. Finally, we reach the clearing Ben and I agreed to meet at. There are a couple of tree stumps on the ground, big enough to sit on.

"Sit down." I say, pointing to a stump. We both sit down and Marsa sighs impatiently. Minutes pass. Ben doesn't show up.

"Okay Juliette," Marsa finally says, looking at me.

"What is this about?" I clear my throat excitedly.

"You know that guy you follow on High Five? Ben?" Marsa nods suspiciously.

"Well I know him. Personally. He's my boyfriend, actually." Marsa stares at me in shock.

"What?!" I explain to her all about Ben, from when we first met, up until the day before the wedding. After I'm done, Marsa nods in understanding.

"It's not the weirdest thing that's happened to me." Marsa mutters. I laugh. Suddenly, Ben appears right beside us and Marsa jumps. I stand up and smile.

"Marsa, meet Ben, Ben, meet Marsa." They shake hands and Marsa seems surprised.

"Dude, your High Five is awesome!" Marsa exclaims, making Ben and I laugh.

"Thanks, social media is my specialty, besides video games." They talk for a few minutes about High Five and video games and random stuff while I just watch them. After a while, the conversation stops, and we just sit there in silence.

After a few minutes of silence, Marsa furrows her eyebrows and leans forward.

"Wait, so that day that Ethan was killed, you kissed Ben, not Ethan?" I nod.

"Where are you going with this?" I ask nervously. Marsa turns to Ben in fury.

"So you could have saved him, yes?" Ben nods confused.

"I guess so, but-"

"BUT WHAT?!" Marsa screams.

"You could have saved him! You could have stepped up and said something! Ethan was my brother, my best friend, my anchor. And you mean to tell me he died for something he didn't even do?!" Ben doesn't respond. Marsa turns to me angrily.

"Juliette, what we're doing is wrong. We have to stop. And you," Marsa turns back to Ben, "I hate you, Ben. I never want to see you again." Marsa slaps Ben and starts to run towards the barn. Ben rubs his cheek and looks at me. I just shake my head.

"Just give her some time to cool off. She'll get over it." Ben nods and looks up at the sky.

"So now what should we do?" He asks. I look up at the sky too and stare at the moon.

"I don't know. I think Marsa needs a break from all the killing. You can help me with that stuff, right?" Ben nods.

"Yeah, I have some experience in that area." I nod.

"Okay. I'll go tell Marsa she won't have to help me anymore. For the mean time, she can get supplies and cook and stuff. I can meet up with you every night before Marsa wakes up to do our business." Ben nods.

"I'll see you later then." He says.

"Yeah Bye." Ben glitches out and I sigh. I walk back to the barn slowly, enjoying the fresh air. I get back to the barn after a few minutes. I step inside, but I don't see Marsa. That's when I start to panic. What if she called the police? But then I hear soft sobbing sounds coming from the hay loft. I climb up the ladder to the loft and find Marsa crying.

"Hey Marsa." I say softly, sitting next to the figure.

"Don't call me that." Marsa says in between sobs.

"Why not?" I ask.

"It's your name, isn't it?" Marsa shakes her head.

"My name's actually Marisa, but David made me change it. Please just call me Marisa. Marsa holds too many bad memories for me." I'm shocked. I didn't know that. I always just thought her name was Marsa. Maybe that's why she flinched whenever David called her that.

"Okay, sure thing, Marisa." I say softly.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I know." Marsa- er, I mean Marisa- flips around so I can see her face.

"I'm tired. Can I go to sleep now?" She asks. I sigh. I'm not getting anywhere with her tonight.

"Okay. Sleep well Marisa." She doesn't respond, just turns back around and curls up next to some hay. I slip off the loft unto the ground. I lay down on my ususal resting spot and slowly fall asleep.

She'll get over it, I say to myself.

Man, was I wrong.

A/N: So imma just leave this cliffhanger here for the next couple of days.. Hehehehe <3 Julie  

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