Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

I wake up refreshed and ready to end this crazy life. If the plan works, Marsa and I will finally be able to leave. After today, there will be no more David, no more hiding, just freedom. Sweet, sweet freedom.

I smile slightly and look up at my clock. 8:00 AM. The wedding is at 12:00 so I have three hours before we head off to the church. Three hours until my plan is underway.

I get up and take a shower. I let the water run down my spine, relishing the sweet serenity of the sound of water. Eventually, I get out and dress into my bathrobe before opening the bathroom door. Outside, Marsa is waiting for me.

"You ready to start styling?" She asks brightly. I nod eagerly.

"Then let's get started."

I sit in front of my vanity as Marsa starts to tackle the monstrosity that is my hair. She combs it out, then dries it, then brushes it out. She curls it as best as she can, which is pretty hard with my short hair. She applies eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, foundation, and blush to my face while I sit patiently.

After Marsa is done with that, I open up my drawer slowly. I reach down and dig through it, searching for something. After a few seconds, I find it and take it out. It is a small but sharp knife Marsa stole from the kitchen. I change into shorts and a T-shirt and keep the knife hidden in my hoodie pocket.

Marsa and I walk down the stairs to see a well dressed guy, about the same age as David, waiting for us. His blue eyes glimmer with mischief when he spots Marsa.

"Hello Juliette, Marsa. I am Jason, the minister for your wedding. David would take you to the church himself, but he thinks seeing you beforehand would be back luck." Bad luck for you is inevitable, David. I think, internally smirking.

"Okay, then let's go." I say. Jason opens the mansion door and motions his hand to the door.

"Ladies first." I go through the door first, followed by Marsa, and then Jason.

You know, when I was in school and a guy said 'ladies first,' I would usually refuse. Not because I was trying to be rude or anything. Just because the guy would probably just do that so they could look at your butt. And at this moment, I have no doubt in my mind that is what Jason is doing with Marsa.

I roll my eyes in annoyance. We walk in silence as we travel through the long corridor. After a few minutes, we reach the cavern and I stop. Flashes of Chloe's lifeless body swinging from a pipe fill my mind and I take in a sharp breath.

I can do this. Just walk across the room, up the stairs, and breathe.

I swallow the lump in my throat and start walking. I feel someone's hand in mine, and look over to my side. Marsa squeezes my hand, and I can see her eyes watering. Oh yeah. Marsa was getting pretty close to Chloe the last couple of months.

I look forward again and try not to think about Chloe. That, of course, is nearly impossible. I think of when Chloe stood up for me when I was getting made fun of for liking Pokemon, when Chloe and I made stupid music videos for our favorite songs, when we won the creative writing contest at school. All of these memories I haven't thought about for so long come flooding back as I walk through Chloe's final resting place. All of these memories just add to my anger for David. And that is when I know for sure I must go through with my plan.

We finally make it up the stairs into the next set of hallways and I sigh with relief. If I had spent one more moment in that cavern I think I would've exploded.

The hallway gets narrower, so eventually, Marsa has to move behind me again. I think Jason makes her nervous, and I really can't blame her. I mean, he's basically a horny teenage guy that knows how to use a gun and isn't afraid to break a few laws.

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