Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

            My dad drops me off at Alisa’s house.

            “Have fun, sweetie!” He calls after me as I walk down Alisa’s driveway.

            “You too!” I call back. Then he drives away, locking my fate forever.

            I walk up to the front door and knock. But not four times, of course. I’m not insane. Alisa opens the door and smiles at me.

            “Hey girl!” She says, our usual greeting to each other.

            “Hey girl!” I answer back.

            “Come on in, we’re all in the kitchen.” I follow Alisa into the kitchen to see Chloe, Karlie, Kenzey, and Kinzie. They’re in the middle of a conversation about Divergent.

            “Tobias is so awesome.” Chloe says, taking a bite out of her pizza.

            “I know right?” Karlie responds.

            “I’ve seen the movie already, and he’s so hot! But they don’t even put in Uriah!”

            “Really? I love Uriah!”

            “Me too! But the way they set it up, I was ok with it.”

            “I’m so excited for tomorrow!”

            “It’s going to be epic!”

            We continue to talk about divergent, vines, and a bunch of other weird stuff. We eventually go up to Alisa’s room and start playing Candor or Dauntless. Candor or Dauntless is basically truth or dare, but for fangirls.

            “Juliette, Candor or Dauntless?” Alisa asks me.

            “Candor.” Everyone groans. Since I’m an extremely open person, they pretty much know everything about me, even my secrets. What am I saying? I don’t have any secrets. If you’re my friend, I tell you everything. I’m an open book.

            “Hmmmmmmm….. Oh, I know!” Kinzie exclaims.

            “What is you deepest, darkest secret that you have?”

            I hate myself, I immediately think. I don’t want to live anymore. But I can’t tell them that. No one can ever know. If someone ever found out, they would act like I was a piece of china about to fall off the edge. They would treat me like I need help. Maybe I do need help. But the one thing I truly loathe is people treating me like I’m helpless.

            Everyone stares at me as I rack my brain for something else to say.

            “Well,” I say, “in elementary school, I had a huge crush on Eric.” Everyone gasps. Eric has been my best guy friend since preschool, and everyone knows it. We are inseparable. He’s stayed with me through middle and high school, and that means a lot. He’s my only friend I still have that was my friend in elementary school.

            “Wow, Juliette, I guess we don’t know everything about you,” Alisa sneers. And that’s the way I want to keep it, I think, glad they bought it. I mean, I didn’t lie to them, but that’s not that big. It’s in the past now. After I have a crush on someone, I really don’t care who knows about it. Like I said, I’m an open book.

            After that, I only pick Dauntless (dare) so that wouldn’t happen again. Most of the dares are to do something weird/embarrassing/strange at the movie tomorrow. I hope that no one will remember I have to hit on Andrew, one of the guys we’re going to the movie with, in the morning. Eventually, we all got really tired and decided to go to sleep. And I’m glad we did, because that would be the best sleep I would get for a while.

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