Late for Work

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Hello everyone! Once again thanks for the reads and the reviews!! Here's another one, set in season 6 at some point. Hope you enjoy! :)


He heard a dull thud and instantly his eyes were open, calculating. Ears perked, eyes sharp in the dark, he turned and was almost blinded by the light coming from the bathroom, and the gruff sigh coming out of it from Castiel, just as he slid his hand along to feel the empty space beside him on the bed. His racing heart started to slow down as he realized it was just the angel. He turned on his side and watched the movement he could see from his place in bed, as Cas buttoned his pants and reached for his shirt on the counter along with the rest of his clothes, part of his back still shining with sweat (as a result of their recent activities). He was obviously trying his best to keep quiet.

"Up already?" he mumbled, voice rough from sleep. Castiel's head popped out into Dean's view, "I...yes. I was trying to be quiet."

"Very considerate," Dean yawned, turning to stretch out on his back and look out the window, "Dude, it's pitch black out."

He turned back to see Castiel come out, throwing the rest of his clothes onto the end of the bed as he started to button his shirt, "I know. I wasn't paying much attention to the time."

Dean smirked up at the angel, "I wonder why."

The corners of Cas's mouth turned up, a big enough smile as far as Dean was concerned, "This is a welcome distraction to my responsibility," he started, reaching down to run a hand across Dean's jaw, "But I have a meeting to go to."

He went back to getting dressed and let out a frustrated sigh at the buttons he was failing to do up, and Dean slowly sat up and batted his hands away, pulling him closer to do it himself.

"A meeting? Like what, some business kinda thing?"

Cas picked at the blanket pooled around Dean's waist, hand idly brushing against his side, "Yes, I suppose that's the best way to put it."

He finished buttoning the shirt and grabbed the angel's tie from the end of the bed, "This early in the morning though? The rooster isn't even up yet."

Castiel gave him a confused look as he let Dean reach up and put his tie on, "Angels don't have the same sense of time that humans do. There is no morning, night, noon..."

"Sounds boring," Dean mumbled, using Cas's tie to pull him closer.

Castiel hummed in agreement, speaking quietly, almost like he was afraid he would be overheard, "Everything about them is boring, and...frustrating. They never seem to completely understand me."

Dean felt a wave of sympathy wash over him. One angel was stressful enough for him, but Cas having to deal with hundreds, thousands more? Ugh.

"Well hey, if there's anyone who can get through to them it's you. You're smart, a great fighter, great planner, sexy too," he said, offering a cheeky smile, "Can't dress yourself for shit but I'm here so..."

Castiel smiled into the kiss he planted on Dean and Dean returned it, pulling the angel down with him. Cas stopped himself with his hands firmly planted on either side of Dean, pulling away a couple inches, "Sometimes I wish you could be there with me."

Dean felt a tug at his heart with the slight pain in these words and rubbed a thumb up and down the angel's hip, under his shirt.

"Sometimes I wish you could join us on one of our hunts. know, sex in a dingy motel room from time to time 'aint that bad either."

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