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Hello readers! I have had.....a very wonderful Supernatural-filled weekend. I don't feel like I thank you guys enough for following me and liking my stories so THANK YOU! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! If I see a new follower or a new comment it just (TRUST ME I KNOW HOW CHEESY THIS SOUNDS AND I'M CRINGING AS I'M TYPING IT) brightens up my day. My updates won't be as frequent for awhile now but believe me, I will always be thinking of new ones to write. Such as this one. I've realized that I really, really enjoy season 5 Destiel fanfiction. :)


"It fascinates me when you do that."

Dean let out a tiny smile as he squeezed out some toothpaste onto his toothbrush. He looked up at the mirror in front of him to gaze at the bleary-eyed angel leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.

"Cas, trust me, it's not that fascinating."

Cas clearly didn't believe that. He stumbled over to Dean, wearing those black pants and that white shirt, clumsily buttoned up, looking like he simply gave up halfway down his stomach. He leaned against Dean's bare back and wrapped his arms around the hunter's waist. He was clad in a white towel, having just gotten out of the shower. Castiel placed his chin on Dean's shoulder and yawned.

It was the first time Dean had ever seen the angel yawn, his eyes scrunching up as if he was in pain, the tendons of his neck straining, his breath crumbling out against Dean's shoulder, sending a slight shiver down the hunter's spine.

"Still tired?" Dean asked.

Castiel sighed roughly into his shoulder, closing his eyes, his teeth grazing slightly against Dean's skin, "Yes."

Dean nodded and rubbed his free hand across Cas's knuckles, his hand was clutching tightly against the hunter's ribs, "You shoulda slept awhile longer."

He brought the toothbrush to his mouth and began to brush as Castiel opened his eyes to observe Dean through the mirror, "I wanted to watch you get ready."

Dean rolled his eyes. It was awkward, how Castiel took so much interest in boring, everyday, normal activities that Dean quite frankly could do without.

After Cas's remark they stood in silence and Dean thought about Cas as he brushed his teeth. The angel was weaker now, he'd almost died last night because of a demon that somehow got his hands on an angel sword. He had a nasty cut along his cheek to prove it, a cut that he hadn't healed and that Dean had stitched up himself. They were all lucky that Sam had stabbed the demon before he could stake Castiel and as the angel stared tiredly outside the window from the back seat of the Impala after it was over, Dean had quietly and quickly mumbled that he'd get Cas checked into his own motel room for the night and that he'd stay with him for awhile to make sure everything was alright.

Sam had given him a small, knowing smile, "Stay with him as long as you need to Dean."

And Dean had, stripping the angel down to his boxers and replacing the button-up with one of his old, ratty pale green t-shirts. Then Dean had done the same and climbed onto the bed beside Cas, pulling him in close.

Castiel had all but collapsed against Dean, burying his face in the crook of Dean's neck, spreading his hand over Dean's heart.

"I was trying to....I was looking for my father," Cas quietly said.

"Thought you didn't have the mojo for that anymore," Dean mumbled, plunging his fingers into Castiel's hair, roaming through the messy flop of darkness.

"I don't."

Dean sighed and pressed a kiss to his hair.

Castiel brought his head up to meet Dean's gaze, "And then later, when the demons....I'd already used too much energy and I....I couldn't fight at my full power, I....I couldn't....."

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