Third Wheels Are Cool

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This is set after season 8 at some point, established Destiel. WOOT WOOT.


Having a third person teaming up with them was very different and Dean often found that he'd have moments where he forgot it wasn't just him and Sam.

Now was one of those times.

Abaddon was well on her way to becoming the new leader of Hell and more and more demons had been popping of these days. Dean and Sam had been ambushed by a large group of demons a couple towns over while stopping to get gas on their ride back to the bunker. They had just finished a case involving a vengeful spirit and there were few people around, the sun having gone down hours ago. Dean was startled at the gas pump while Sam was ambushed inside the store.

It took awhile but Dean has finally killed off the small group of demons that had attacked him using Ruby's knife. He then ran inside the store to find Sam fighting off an even bigger group of demons including one very possessed store clerk, with an angel sword (thankfully Castiel still had his on him when he became human).

The fight that soon ensued was a long and tiring one, one that Sam and Dean almost didn't win. Fortunately, together, they managed to  kill off the group of demons, though not without injuries. Sam had had his arm fractured and was pretty sure he had a concussion, along with a number of bruises and cuts all over his body. Dean had a deep cut in his stomach and a nasty gash on the side of his head, as well as a sprained ankle. And Dean being the one who still had the use of both arms and whose head was clearer, drove them the rest of the way to the bunker.

As they made their way through the front door and to the main room, the thoughts running through Dean's head were repeated over and over.

He needed to find first-aid supplies, needed to slow the bleeding in his stomach, he'd have to deal with Sam's broken arm and concussion first, then Sam could stitch up his stomach and head. And now he'd have to clean the blood of his baby's seats the next day and-

"You two should sit down."

Dean looked up to see Castiel, standing in his new blue pajama pants with buzzing bees all over it, and his matching gray t-shirt with a gigantic bee on it saying "I'm the bee's knees." Dean had thought it was stupid but Castiel had adored it so he had given in. He was leaning on crutches because he had broken his leg a few weeks ago during a fight with a shifter.

Dean had completely forgotten that there was someone at the bunker who could help them. It had been Sam and him for so long that it just slipped his mind sometimes. If he had remembered, he might've called Castiel and asked him to get supplies ready, since he knew Castiel often stayed up very late because he had trouble falling asleep. But Dean knew he wouldn't have called him anyway, because he just wasn't used to it. And because Dean felt that he could handle everything.

But this whole year had taken its' toll on him and Dean could really use all the help he could get.

Sam spoke up first, "We need-"

"I know," Castiel cut him off pointing toward the table covered in first-aid supplies, "I put it all out on the table in case. Now, you two should listen to me and sit down."

Dean helped a slightly swaying Sam into a chair, then collapsed down into one beside him, clutching his stomach. Castiel stood in front of their chairs, looming over them. He stared down at them for a moment as if he was an angry parent about to scold his children for playing with demons. Castiel surveyed their injuries and, as if reading Dean's mind and knowing he would refuse to be the first one to receive medical attention, set about grabbing things to make a splint for Sam's arm. Dean watched him limp back and forth. He handed Dean a couple towels as he continued helping Sam, "Keep pressure on your stomach and head."

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