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Beeping. So much beeping. What the hell was that?

Dean pushed himself to open his eyes, to seek out that incessant noise and crush it to a pulp so he could have some peaceful silence.


He opened his eyes to Cas's concerned blue gaze staring back at him. Was Cas the one beeping? Why was he beep-

"Dean. Are you-does it-can you hear me?"

Dean snorted and turned his head to the side, catching sight of a heart monitor a few steps away from his bed.

Oh. So that's where the beeping was coming from.

"Dean? Maybe I should call in the-"

"Don't. Mhm good."

A couple minutes of silence slipped by as Dean's head became more clear and a dull throb bit it's way along his stomach. He finally turned to stare at Castiel, who was half slumped in a chair by his bed. If it weren't for the slight shake in Cas's hands or the new black t-shirt he'd gotten a couple weeks ago (he was also wearing one of Dean's jackets, which almost got the heart monitor going mental), Dean would think that he was an angel of the lord again, patiently sitting at his side after Alastair beat the shit out of him.

But this Castiel was no longer the mighty an all powerful, obeying Castiel.

It both relieved and saddened Dean.


Castiel's eyes roamed up from their spot on his lap to look at Dean again, "Hello Dean."

"Where's Sam?"

"I convinced him to go get some sleep back at the bunker. He got hit on the head hard, he needs the rest."

Dean nodded, "Good."

A few moments of silence passed by and then Castiel sighed, "I should have been there."

Dean closed his eyes, "Cas....."

"It would've been safer with three people."

"Dude. It was a Wendigo. Your leg is in a cast right now. You really think you could run through a forest like that?"

Castiel ran a hand through his hair in annoyance, "I could've tried," he mumbled quietly.

"My ass," Dean retorted.

Again they lapsed into silence and Castiel stared down at his hands. Dean smiled slightly at his awkwardness.

"Cas. You know, it's okay to touch me. I think we're past that now."

Castiel glared at him and kept his hands where they were. Dean could tell he wanted to say something so he waited patiently, listening to the steady beeping.

"I made you dinner."

Dean felt his chest tighten and he swallowed, "Yeah?"

Cas nodded, "Burgers. I knew you would like them because you taught me how to make them."

Dean sighed and leaned back, "I could really go for some burgers right now."

"I made you cherry pie too."

Dean groaned, "God, Cas."

Castiel smiled a little and Dean cast a curious look his way, "Why all the special treatment?"

Castiel frowned at him, "I thought it was customary to do on one's birthday."

Dean blinked, "What."

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