Movie Moments

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Hi! Umm, I don't really know what to say about this one , except that it's set in season 5 and I stayed up late typing most of it only to wake up and find that it was nowhere to be found, somehow. Maybe it was demons. I re-typed it and I'm annoyed but happy that I didn't have a breakdown. Yup, that's it.

And also, I have absolutely nothing against the Twilight series. If people like it, that's awesome, and if people don't that's awesome too. This just happened and I think it's accurate to how Dean feels about Twilight. So i mean no offense okay? :) I mean if I turn my head to the left right now I'll see all four books sitting on my bookshelf so....


Dean was spending a lot of nights this week in bars looking for one night stands with random women.  

Except he wasn’t.  

Dean could be a great actor when he needed to, and fortunately it came with his job description. Sam had believed his excuses for awhile now but Dean could see that soon he would start to ask questions, start to doubt his older brother. And then he would probably have no choice but to tell Sam the truth.  

And that would have his moose of a brother laughing his ass off on the floor.  

Dean couldn’t even remember the last time he’d really been out on a date with someone. Romance for him usually consisted of simply sex.  

But these days it consisted of spending hours in a field with an angel.  

It started a day after he’d been transported to the messed up future of 2014 by Zachariah. Cas just wanted to show him something nice after all the crap he’d seen. He zapped them off to the top of a mountain in Europe.  

Dean was awed by the view he was getting. He looked out and saw the buildings and nature of a small town, quiet and peaceful. He could sit at the edge of the mountain and watch birds fly by serenely, feel the cool breeze wash over his face and ruffle his hair as he sat back and watched the sun go down.  

Of course, he just grunted and smiled a bit, telling Cas it looked pretty nice.  

Castiel smiled at him and proceeded to start talking about the history of the mountain. They were side by side at the peak of the mountain, arms brushing and Dean suddenly realized that the angel beside him was a lot more interesting than the view in front of him.  

“One day the townspeople gathered at the bottom of the mountain to-”  

Dean grabbed the angel and crushed his lips to Cas’s, fervently. Castiel stood still for a couple seconds until he started to kiss back, doing his best to keep up with Dean’s intensity. He kept his arms at his sides and Dean reached out to wrap his hands around Cas’s wrists, pulling them away from his side and around Dean’s waist instead. Castiel immediately latched onto his sides tightly and Dean started to deepen the kiss when he realized that-  

“Shit,” he breathed out, pushing Cas away from him and stepping back.  

Castiel stared at him, eyes glazed and Dean stared at the empty space of air beside his head.  

“I uh, I’m sorry. I....don’t know what came over me. May-maybe the mountain’s cursed or something. I just....uh.....”  

Dean squinted his eyes, trying to think of something better to say to fix things, but Castiel crowded into his personal space, reaching his hand up to cover Dean’s cheek and turn his head to face Cas’s so he would be forced to stare into the angel’s eyes. He tilted his head in curiosity, moving his eyes down to stare at Dean’s lips as if he’d just realized that the hunter had them. Dean licked his lips unconsciously and Cas’s eyes followed the movement. He ran a thumb across Dean’s lips slowly. Dean’s heart was beating fast and he tried to keep it at a normal rate.  

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