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Hello there! So new fanfic! I had a burst of inspiration so, here you go. Lately I've been spending more time reading Destiel fanfics than writing them so, LOL, my bad. Hope you all enjoy it! :) THANKS FOR READING!!



Dean sunk down into a chair, heavy and tired. He sighed and gently took a look at his hands, roughened and bloody with the week's hunt. He had bruises and was bleeding in places he was glad his clothes could cover for the moment, though the dirt and grime on his face were another matter altogether. This felt kind of dumb, his split decision to do laundry in the middle of the night. Sam's raised eyebrows made that clear. But he was antsy, even though he was exhausted, and he needed some air. Some time away from their motel room, his brother, their hunt, the chilly air outside. He ran a hand over his face and rubbed his dreary eyes. He needed-


He looked up quickly and almost managed to hide the smile that flashed across his face at hearing the angel's voice, "Hey."

Castiel smiled, an awkward, adorable thing that he had started trying to do more of at Dean's request. It was pretty cute, and Dean would never say that out loud, how Cas seemed to want to do a lot of things to, as he put it, "Strengthen our romantic relationship Dean. It's what magazines say you should do."

Cas crossed the couple of steps between them to stand between Dean's knees and place a gentle hand around his neck, all of the hunter's pain and dirt washing away with a small swipe of the angels thumb across his pulse point. The exhaustion was still there, though less bone crushingly achy.

"Thanks man. You shouldn't have."

There were a couple of people in the Laundromat at this hour, an old man standing quietly in front of his chosen washing machine, not even facing them. Two women off to the other side of the room, talking amongst themselves and laughing. A young man loading clothes into a washer a couple over from Dean's.

Dean snaked a hand around Cas's tie and slowly pulled the angel down close enough to kiss, slow and soft, their lips quietly pulling apart after a moment. It was interesting how Dean was caring less and less about how many people were around when they did this. It scared him sometimes, how little he cared to hide this thing with Cas nowadays. But it was the middle of the Apocalypse and Dean was losing at the moment and tired, and he wanted to hold onto the one good thing that had come out of it.

"Maybe it's you I should be thanking," Castiel mumbled.

Dean smiled and pulled back, patting the seat beside him for the angel to take the hint. He observed Dean for a moment, head tilted to the side looking down at him, before he slowly pulled off his trench coat and suit jacket, taking a seat beside him. Dean smirked when the angel sidled up close to him, sides and thighs pressed together warmly, shoulders gently bumping together.

"You've had a rough day," Castiel said, a clear statement.

Dean nodded, "Yeah. It kinda feels like that's what everyday is now."

Castiel always met his eyes straight on, no matter how he was feeling, and it always managed to make Dean flush at one point or another. Now was no exception. He turned to watch the back of the young man, who was working hard to get his machine started.

"I can't imagine how hard it is for you. Having the weight of the end of the world on your shoulders. Metaphorically speaking."

Dean's lips quirked, "Yeah no, it would be over by now if it was literal, Cas. You don't have to specify."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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