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So I have no idea what this story is REALLY about or what it REALLY means. It probably means nothing, just that I love imaging Dean and Castiel in some diner somewhere with Castiel eating food in pajamas and a trench coat.


"These are very good," Castiel mumbled through a mouthful of pancakes.

Dean smiled and took a good look around the diner.

Dean and Cas were in a small town a couple states away from Kansas, working on a case. Sam was back at the Men of Letters Bunker nursing a fever that he had gotten from Castiel, after an agonizingly long week of Castiel sneezing and coughing, stumbling around the place wrapped in a blanket that he shamelessly drug across the dirty floor.

Dean would never admit how adorable he thought Cas looked.

And so Sam had let Dean leave without him, promising to call everyday, trusting a now healthy Castiel to watch his back. And Dean couldn't complain. Ever since him and Cas had admitted their feelings for each other months ago, Dean had felt happier than he had in a long time and looked forward to every chance he got to be alone with the former angel.

But things weren't all fine and dandy with them. Castiel was still adjusting to human life and one of the hardest things for him to get used to was the nightmares. He wouldn't talk about it too often with Dean unless they seemed too bad and Dean urged him to let it out. And ever since him and Cas had started sharing a bed a couple weeks ago (Cas had a nightmare, Dean invited him to sleep in his bed, Cas agreed), Dean had begun to realize that Castiel could never get back to sleep after his bad dreams. He would just lie there and brood over them in silence.

Which is why Dean dragged him to a diner up the road at 5 in the morning. They were damn lucky that it was open 24 hours.

And looking around now Dean could tell just how early in the morning it was. There were only a couple people in the diner, eating in solitude.

Turning back to Castiel, a thought occurred to Dean. 

Could this be a date?

He shook his head and brought his attention back to Castiel, who was staring at him with those big blue eyes, wearing his pajamas-a pair of Sam's jogging pants and one of Dean's' plain gray t-shirts, with his stupid tan trench coat to top it all off. Sitting cross-legged in his seat at their booth, shoving pancakes into his mouth.

Not adorable at all.

"What'd you say?"

"Are you okay Dean? Are you still tired? We can go back to-"

"No, no Cas, it's fine. I'm fine."

Castiel gave him one of those soul piercing looks and Dean squirmed a little in his seat.

"Just eat your food Cas."

"Are you sure you don't want anything Dean?"

"Yup, coffee's all I need right now."

Castiel looked a little dejected but continued to eat.

Dean mentally scolded himself. What was wrong with him? So what if this felt like a date? Him and Castiel were certainly more than friends now, what would it matter?

But it mattered a lot. They had never been on a date and honestly, Dean couldn't even remember the last time he had ever been on one. And Cas wouldn't even know what to do. Dean hardly knew what to do, anyway. What if everyone in the diner knew they were on a date?

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