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So uh, I decided to write a more sad one shot today. It's no Steven Moffat masterpiece, but it is what it is. :) 


The first thing Castiel felt when he woke up was a dull ache that ran from the top of his head down to the tip of his toes. He felt a little hazy as he opened his eyes, but his world came into focus when he noticed the rough hand holding his, very tightly. Castiel opened his eyes slowly and traced the hand back up to its owner.

"H-hey Cas."

Castiel looked around at the white walls of the hospital room and listened to the incessant beeping of the heart monitor that his body was connected to. He could hear Dean's labored breathing over it, if he concentrated hard enough.

"Hello Dean," he almost cringed at the sound of his voice, more gravelly and deep then ever before. 

Castiel stared into the pained, tired of eyes of Dean Winchester and tried to remember how he had gotten here, why Dean seemed to be so distraught. He hid it pretty well, but Castiel could always see right through him. Even as a human, without his grace. 

"How ya feeling?"

Dean leaned his elbows onto the bed and pulled his face in closer to Cas's.

"It feels like that time I drank a liquor store. But worse."

Dean chuckled quietly and the room was plunged into a deathly silence, all except for the beeping.

Castiel swallowed, he really needed water, "I-I don't really remember..."

"We uh, we beat Abaddon member? Crowley helped us. You sort of, got in her way and, you know....this happened. Gave Sam one hell of a beating too."

He remembered now. He remembered Crowley, half demon, half human, explaining to them how to kill Abaddon. He remembered searching and searching with Dean and Sam to find a special sword that would kill her. They'd almost died getting it. And then they'd gone and attempted to kill her. Castiel didn't remember much of that, just being thrown around an abandoned warehouse over and over again by Abaddon, then seeing her hurt Sam, hearing Dean shout and watching Crowley disappear. His whole body was on fire with pain the whole time. Abaddon had said something, some sort of incantation. A string of demonic words he could no longer remember.

"Who....who killed her?"

Dean snorted, "Crowley. Bastard left us and I pretty much thought it was over right then. You were....done, and Sam....I fought back, which was useless, but it's not like I was gonna go down without fighting. So you know, she breaks my leg, bitches for a couple minutes and then Crowley decides to pop back in and stab her. Took her by surprise. She was too distracted with the three of us."

Castiel nodded and took it all in. He looked back up at Dean, seeing the stiches on his forehead and looked down to see the cast on his leg.

"Is Sam okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. Looked worse than it was. He's on another floor, out like a light though."

Castiel nodded, letting go and patting Dean's hand, "You should be with your brother right now."

"Sam'll be fine for a couple hours."

Dean looked down, latching onto Cas's hand again. Castiel felt dread prick up into his brain as he studied Dean. Dean couldn't look at him, couldn't meet his eyes. His hands were slightly shaky.


"You want some water? You sound horrible. I'll be right back."

Dean shot up from his chair by the bed before Castiel could even open his mouth to respond, and he watched Dean's back until he was out of the room.

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