Kusumi's Birthday

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"Onee-chan, it's my birthday today!" I cheered. "Oh Happy Birthday Imoto, let's invite some people over and your friends" Mikia said smiling. "Wait what about Mom and Dad?" I asked. "Oh about that..." Mikia said. "What! What happen!" I yelled. "Well they past away a day ago..." Mikia said sadly. "What?!" Kusumi yelled. "I know but I guess we can see there grave tomorrow.." Mikia smiled alittle. I ran upstairs and cried and I thought this wouldn't happen but it turns out it was. Suigetsu came in and wondered where I was so he just came upstiars just to see if I was okay. "Kusumi, are you okay? Can I come in?" He asked. I opened to the door and Suigetsu looked worried. "I heard you were depressed, are you okay?" Suigetsu said. I started to cry with lots of tears in my eyes. "Something happen with my parents..." I said mumbling a little. Suigetsu kisses me on the lips and ended up stop crying. "Don't cry Kusumi, you have a life to live on still..." Suigetsu smiled. I hugged Suigetsu. Suigetsu smiled. After a while ago, we celebrated. Sakoonae was hanging out with Hinata and Shadow is hanging around looking for someone to hang with other than Sasuke the jerk. Naruto is smiling with Fruit Punch in his hand well Sasuke grabs it and pours it on his head. "You look like someone peeded on you" Sasuke chuckled. "Arrrgh!! I hate you Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke was walking up to me and looked like he didn't even care. "Get out my party Sasuke" I said to him with a mad face. "Like I did something to you" Sasuke said walking out the door. Naruto just standed there all wet and sticky with Fruit Punch all over him. Hinata gives him a towel to use, how cute is that? I see Shadow looking at Sakoonae smiling well Sakoonae doesn't even notice not a bit until for like a minute or so. Two tall people walked in here and they did look fimiliar. "Hi sweetie, you miss me?" Leenalee asked smiling. "Mom!" I yelled running to her a big hug. "So sweetie we came here for your birthday today, and I got you alitle something too" Leenalee said giving me the present. I opened it and saw what I wanted. "Whoa, I got a laptop! Yay this is what I wanted!" I yelled with excitement. I gave my mom a big hug. "Mom, where's Dad?" I asked. "Dad is getting our stuff and he will be coming tomorrow" Leenalee explained. "Okay" I said smiling. Well my dad is coming tomorrow so...

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