Kusumi & Sasuke Argument

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I woke up in the morning and turned out I woke up a like 9 and I was tired. Suigetsu was full of energy and so he just smiled. "Rise and shine KusumI! Another fun day!" Suigetsu smiled cutely. I woke up with messy hair and I itched my eyes and stretches. When I reached to Academy, I saw Sasuke telling Sakoonae that she's an outsider and she doesn't belong here, we'll check again stupid Uchiha! "Sasuke, why do you call her an outsider! I mean I'm an outsider too!" I yelled. "No it's okay, Kusumi" Sakoonae said, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Sakoonae, but I can't hustler you sit here! I mean I am an outsider just like you!" I said, telling my feelings to Sakoonae. "Well Kusumi, don't make me have to argue it out you idiot!" Sasuke said cruelly. "Like I care about your crap!" I yelled back. "I'm not scared of you or anyone you dumb water person" Sasuke said, putting his hands in his pocket and walking away mad. "I'm not scared of you either! I mean I am a wonderful person that does charity and other stuff but I like caring for my friends! Your just a jerk that doesn't know how to control themselves!" I yelled with a red face. "Be like that!" Sasuke clenching his hand into a knuckle. All a sudden there was a big silence in the academy and so Sasuke walks away like a chicken, nah just kidding! He walks away like he doesn't care about anything I know who he cared about. I'm not stupid people! Suigetsu just was confused but didn't wanted to be included so he took it peacefully. Sakoonae just went into class without saying anything, Shadow is pisted off at Sasuke (good for you Shadow, no wonder why your the greatest friend ever), Sakura and the girls (except for Hinata) are just following Sasuke, Hinata is hanging out with Naruto which is cute ^-^.

Later, I met up with "The Dumb Jerk" Sasuke, I wish he just shut his mouth because he's getting super annoying about calling her an outsider! "What do you want stupid happy person!" Sasuke yelled. "I am a happy person and cares about her friends unlike you and your face!" I yelled back. Sakura all a sudden comes up and stays in front of Sasuke. "Shut up Kusumi, who told you were the boss of him!" Sakura sassed. "Who said the girl with pink hair was in the argument!" I yelled at Sakura. "No one said I could join so just shut your mouth already you bitch" Saskura said snapping her fingers. "Why not you just back off and stop getting into people's bussiness because everyone hate it when your in people's way!" I yelled, and slapped her face. Sakura turned her head as soon as she got hit in the face with my hand. Sakura tried to punch me well she misses my stomach and my face. What kind of strategies does she have anyway? "You miss dumb head" I said smirking. "Arrrgh! You make me mad!!!" Sakura yelled stomping on the floor trying to tackle me. "Too easy" I said smirking again. "I'm gonna kill you!" Sakura screeched. Sakoonae was in the way and punched her to the ground. "That's what you get for messing with my friend" Sakoonae said angrily. "Thanks Sakoonae, I didn't really need your help but thanks for the help" I said smiling at her. "Anytime" Sakoonae said putting her fake glasses on. "Wait how did you get those glasses?!" I asked. "Oh these are fake" Sakoonae said back. "They look just like mines" I said freaking out. "Cool, see you later" Sakoonae waved. "Kusumi, you need to back your head off of me" Sasuke said clenching into a fist. "If I back off, you back off me in one condition" I said angrily. "Spit it out" Sasuke said standing there waiting. "You have to back off of Sakoonae first" I said crossing my arms waiting for an answer. "Fine geez" Sasuke said about to walk away. I grabbed him by the front of his shirt. "I mean it and if you don't, you'll have lots of water coming to drown you right now" I whispered angrily. "Alright dim wit" Sasuke said pushing me off. "I'm watching you" I said pointing out two fingers at him through my eyes and his. Sasuke walks away silently well Suigetsu waits for me at the Main door of the academy. "I had fun" I said smiling. "I'm just confused on how you and Sasuke were arguing" Suigetsu said thinking about ice cream. "Don't even start Suigetsu" I said patting his back. "Okay" Suigetsu smiled.

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