chapter 4

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a/n I'm back-ish!! Thank you for all the lovely messages. You made me cry out of happiness. My hand isn't fully healed but it will get better. I decided to update and I'm sorry if it's bad.xx



Harry P.o.V


It has been a week and Louis had just been getting more and more sassy by refusing to do things over and over again and it is starting to get on my nerves and I am being pushed to my limit. He may be cute but he is becoming too much of a handful and all I can think to do now is go to full strictness. I have spanked him so many times and I believe it is time for the isolation room if he is sassy to me one more time.

"Liam," I called and he walked into my office. "Louis is honestly getting too sassy and I think it's time I use the isolation room."

"Haz..." he said trailing off, "From what I can see he's never been in an isolation room. His doms probably let him run free so are you completely sure this is the last thing you can do?"

"Sadly Li I think it is, he is just getting out of too much. If he does something bad one more time then he will go in the room."

"Alright Haz, cautious and don't hurt him too badly." HE left my office and I walked downstairs to see Louis in the music room and playing the piano. It sounded beautiful. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He jumped and screamed.


Louis P.o.V.

"You scared the sh!t out me me jes-" I turned and noticed that it wasn't Niall but rather Harry and a very wide eyed Niall was standing in the doorway.

"D-daddy! I'm so sorry I thought you were Niall trying to scare me an-"

"Louis for now I'll let it pass because I have a very important question to ask you." Harry said sitting down and taking my small hands in his large warm ones. A blush coated my cheeks and I quickly pulled away stunning my dom who had a bit of ice in his gaze as he put his hands in his lap. "Pet, have you ever been in an isolation room." As soon as he said that fear ran through me and I coward back further from him.

"No, no no no daddy please no."

"Louis, this sass is going a bit far don't you think? You are disrespectful, and rude to me all the time and the way you talk to Niall isn't very nice either and I don't enjoy you cussing even when I'm not around."

"Daddy, I'm so so sorry." I cried, tears rushing down my face. Harry looked down at his watch and took my hand again making me stand up and follow him upstairs. We walked into a room I had never been in before. 

"Louis, this is the isolation room. There is about an hour before dinner and for being bad I will leave you in here until dinner then I'll come get you. I'm suspecting you have never been in one before so I will let you see what it's like rather than just throwing you into something you'll call out red for automatically. Can you accept this for me?" I nodded slowly understanding that I needed to be punished and that he didn't want to scare me. I felt bad for being so mean to a dom who was so kind to me.

Harry P.o.V.

As soon as I walked out of the door I felt a bit saddened because Louis had never been through this before but he needs to know that his actions have consequences. I walked downstairs and started watching some tv to pass the time until I could reclaim my sub from his punishment.

It had been about an hour and I opened the door to the isolation room and called out 

"You can come out now Kitten." I said slowly. He sprinted out of the bed and straight in to my chest and I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"Daddy I'm so so so so SO sorry I didn't mean anything please never again, never again daddy." I sighed.

"Louis I can;t promise that because I only do this when you have been too naughty so you have to be a good boy." Louis looked up at me and mumbled something I couldn't quite make out.

"What was that baby."

"I said it was so lonely in there, I see why Zayn never did that."

"Who is Zayn." I said cocking my eyebrow at him.

"He was my dom before you and even if I was really bad he would never put me in an isolation room."

"Louis he got rid of you."

"So, at least he wouldn't isolate me."

" Louis." Is said in a warning tone." 

"I'm sorry, Daddy, but there is something I want to tell you" He said ever so quietly.

"What is that love??" I relied lightly.

"Not all of my doms kicked me out, i left 2 of them." I held his hand in mine and squeezed it telling him to continue.

"They would yell at me all the time and they didn't punish me but rather they abused and used me." He flinched slightly as he said the words.

"Oh baby no." I said and pulling him into my arms. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I only yell if I'm really irritated and I would never abuse you baby no." I said carding my fingers through his hair.

"Do you promise daddy?"

"I promise baby." I said and placed a soft kiss to his lips and he smiled into it.

"I love you." I said and pecked his hair. He sighed happily.

"I love you too."


a/n Zayn will be showing up in later chapters and trust me Louis will star sassy and there will also be smut and fluff later!!! Lots of fluff!! Thank you so much for reading! -V

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