Chapter 15

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A/N YOU GUYS MAKE ME SO HAPPY ;w; thank you for adding this to your reading lists and voting and you all make me so happy I love all of you!!!!

~Vicky xx


Harry's P.o.V


As soon as we made it to Doncaster Louis and Issac were best friends and I had Zayn's phone number in my cell. What I was really worried about is if Louis could ever really come back to being my sub. We walked out to the street and I hailed a taxi.

"Do you know where we're going boo?" I asked Louis as the taxi driver took our bags to the trunk.

"We're going to stay with my mummy for a while, not because of me leaving you anymore but I do really want to see her after all this time. You can come with me I'm sure she wouldn't mind meeting the man that changed my life." He said blushing and looking down at his shoes. I tipped his chin up so his eyes would meet mine and kissed his lips chastely.

"Let's go meet the woman who created my angel." He smiled at me a light blush re-coating his cheeks as we got in the taxi and he rambled off the house number to the man. It was about a 20 minute drive most of which Louis spent playing with my fingers while I watched the scenery pass by out the window. As soon as we arrived I got out and held a hand out to Louis which he took and then proceeded to walk to the front porch while I grabbed the bags. By the time I made it up there he hadn't wrung the doorbell yet but as soon as I placed a hand on his waist he did. A woman with dark brown hair tied up in a bun opened the door and as soon as she saw Louis she quickly grabbed him in a big hug.

"Hiya mummy." Louis said and she released him to look at him.

"Hi baby, I'm so glad you're here, but why are you here?" She asked and then her gaze landed on me. "Who's this?" She asked while raising an eyebrow.

"This is my dom Harry, I wanted you to meet the man who's making me into the sub I am." Louis said smiling brightly at me. I smiled back at him and then turned towards the woman.

"Hello I'm Harry Styles." I said reaching a hand out for her to shake but instead she pulled me into a hug.

"Oh don't be like that, if you're Louis' dom then you're part of the family. I'm Johanna but you will call me Jay." She said leaving no room for argument. I gave her a soft hug back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Jay." I said and she ushered us into the house. Just as we got in four girls all came rushing at Louis causing his to almost topple over if I didn't put my hand on his lower back when I did.
"Well hello girls." He said pecking each one on the head. Four smiles were given to him before their eyes all settled on me.
"Lou Lou, who's this." One of the smallest girls asked.
"This is Harry, he's my Dom." He said a smile lighting up his face then he turned to me. "So Harry, these are my sisters Lottie, Fizzy,Daisy and ,Phoebe" he said pointing at each one as he said their names.
"Hi Harry," both of the twins said at the same time. Lottie and Fizzy smiled at me before retiring to the couch and looking at their phones. I looked at Louis and smiled as he talked to both of the twins. He was really good with kids. Jay came over and tapped me on the shoulder with a look that said we-need-to-talk. So I whispered in Louis ear "I'm going to go talk with your mum and you can catch up with your sisters." Louis nodded and walked them into the living room as Jay and I walked into the kitchen.
"So, why is Louis all the way back in Doncaster, because I know you're not here to visit." Jay said giving me a stern no-bullshit look.
"Well, I put him in isolation for constantly being sassy all last week and I figured he would do this again."
"Do what again?" She asked curiously.
"Well he ran away the first time I put him in isolation, back to an old Dom, and he thought he wasn't good enough for me so he wanted to leave me which I would never allow to happen because I love him too much to let him go." Jay nodded as I told her this and then looked me In the eyes.
"Louis has always had a sass problem and I hoped a strict Dom would be able to fix him, but you have changed him a bit and i think it's because you love each other." I looked at jay with so much wonder in my eyes at the fact she could see how much I loved her son. "You're so good for him and I think after a few days here he should feel good enough to go back to being a submissive, just keep loving him. Please."
"Of course." I answered and we walked into the living room to spend time with his family. It was nice to be able to meet all of them. After 3 days I had to go back to work so Louis and I got on a train and made our way back to the heart of London to start fresh as a Dom and sub and maybe this time, we could be more.
a/n so I updated yay! Sorry college has been taking up all my time and I also have a paper due soon so that's why this is kinda rushed! Thanks for everything !! I love you!
~Vicky xx

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