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A/N so this is it my loves, the last chapter and epilogue to the story I do hope you enjoyed reading this and thank you for all the support
Much love ~V
Louis POV
I stood at the doors to the church honestly freaking out. I was about to get married and Harry would be standing at the end of the asile and i feel like I can't breathe. My mom touched my arm and looked at me.
"Louis, baby, breathe" I took a deep breathe and let it out.
"I'm scared mum, it's all I wanted and I've planned for ages so why am I afraid?"
"Probably because it is all you've ever wanted dear, but no time to fret now. Breathe and know that you are ready, and so is he." She pulled me into a hug and i smiled and hugged her back.
"Now then, it's time for us to go." I smiled and took her arm and the doors opened.
Harry's POV
Watching those doors open was the scariest momentous my life but nothing could stop the gasp that escaped me when my gorgeous future husband stepped out of those doors in a full length gown. I lost every breath in my body and happy tears rolled down my cheeks because I got to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful man. They stopped at the edge of the alter and his mom handed me his hand and said
"Take care if my baby or I will end you" with a glare then a smile. I nodded quickly and took his hand and smiled. The preacher stated with his normal we are gathered here today and then it was time for vows. I pulled mine out of my coat pocket and Louis looked at me to start. I smiled and said
"Louis William Tomlinson, from the moment I met you I knew you were the one I would want to spend my life with. You are sunshine on a cloudy day and you bring fun and sass into my life and i wouldn't want it any other way. You are my castle and my home and i honestly do not know what I would do without you but I do know and o can promise you that I will do everything in my power to make you stay and to keep that gorgeous smile on your face. You are my everything and i cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you." By the time I finished there were tears in his eyes and I kissed his cheeks.
"I love you." He smiled
Louis POV
Oh gosh it was my turn I pulled out my vows
"Harry Edward Styles, I didn't want you from the start honestly I was scared of losing all I had left but you made me realize that all I was missing was a partner to help me gain all I had already lost. You became the most special to me and the most important and no matter what I did you always loved me. I could not have asked for a better man to be my husband and I promise form this day forward to piss you off slightly less but to also always stay the sun in your life, i love you."
At this point we were both crying the preacher finished everything and we went through our "I do's" without a hitch. And he said
"I now pronounce you man and husband you may kiss the groom" and Harry did just that, he swept me in his arms and placed a kiss right on my lips and whispered so I only I could hear
"Forever?" And I whispered back against his lips
So uh yeah...that's it! The wedding chapter! Thank you all so much for reading and I love you all very much
Much love ~V xoxo

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