Chapter 14

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A/N Well I'm back! Sorry that I put this on hold I just had a hard time trying to figure out what to write and I'm still not sure where this story will end but I've decided just to go with it for now and see how it goes! I love you all



Louis' P.o.V.


I walked down the road to the bus stop and got on the bus. It took me to the train station so I could catch the first train going home. It would be faster going home by car but I needed time to think about what to tell my mom. She would most likely be disappointed because I wouldn't be able to have another dom after this and I would have to get a job as a business person or something. I bought my one way ticket and got on the train. I quickly sat in one of the seats and put my headphones in. I looked out the window as the scenery passing by and all I could think about was Harry, it brought tears to my eyes which I quickly blinked away. I shouldn't be the sad one considering I was the one who left him. I was supposed to be sassy and strong but as of right now without him I felt like I couldn't be anything. I soon felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up into hazel eyes.

"Z-Zayn." I managed to stutter out.

"Hello Louis, Do you mind if I sit with you for a moment?" He asked being nicer than usual. I slowly nodded my head still wary of him but he looked like he just wanted to talk."

"Go on then." Zayn took a deep breath.

"Well Louis, I am firstly here to apologize because the way I treated you was wrong and I now realize that and I will understand if you can't forgive me but I at least wanted to apologize for my actions back then and even recently. I took advantage of you when you had already moved on with your life. Speaking of that- if I may ask- Why isn't your dom with you?"

"I, uh, sorta kinda left him because I felt as if I was the worst sub ever and he could probably find someone much better than me."

"Louis-" He said but I cut him off.

"No Zayn, really. This is for the best for both of us. Yes, I do love him but I think that he could find a perfect sub and that just isn't me."

"And what gives you the right to decide that." Another very familiar voice cut in. I quickly snapped my head up and I was staring directly into the eyes of Harry Styles.

"Daddy!" Another voice sounded from the opposite direction and a small boy came tumbling into Zayn's arms.

"Hi baby." He responded and quickly grabbed his hand and stood up. " Well I'll just leave you guys to it." Zayn said taking his new submissive away and the small boy waved goodbye to us both.

"Now then," Harry Said sitting across from me, " We have some things to talk about and about two hours to do it so let's get to it." He said crossing his legs and placing his hands atop his knees.

" I uh don't know where to star." I said averting my gaze to the floor.

"Start by looking at me and telling me why you left. I quickly looked up into his eyes and let out  a sigh.

"I just feel like you could find a better sub than me, I mean I'm always so bad and all I do is break rules and make you mad and get punished and I just I feel so bad but I can't stop for some reason. I said and felt my eyes well up with tears.

"Lou," Harry said tilting my face up with his thumb. " It's fine, I know it's hard to completely give yourself over to someone and right now after all I've done I know you can't and I don't expect you to right now but we both need to trust each other and I need you to give yourself over to me completely." His thumb wiped away some of the tears that managed to escape while he said such meaningful words to me.

"I do trust you, don't think I don't. I want to I just I don't know hwy I can't." I said still shedding some tears.

"Louis, I have hurt you and broke your trust completely and right now by running away you have broken mine and we need some time to build this back up." I looked at him a bit confused as where he was going with this." I want to start over, not without you. I still want you to live with me and still be my submissive but I think we need time to fall back in love with each other."

"But daddy!" I said not noticing the words that came out of my mouth before continuing, " I do love you and I never really stopped! Are you saying you don't love me anymore." I said becoming a bit hysterical.

"Nononono," He said pulling me onto his lap, " Of course I still love you baby but I want a relationship with you and relationships are built on trust and as a dom it's so important to me that you trust me and I know it's important to you that I trust you as well but I will never in my life stop loving you." I slowly started to calm down in his arms and just breathed in the scent that was of cinnamon and Harry.

"Daddy, May I ask a question?"

"You already did baby," He said chuckling making me pout, " Go ahead baby."

"Why don't you go to a different sub, I mean after I left you could have chosen someone else, it's not to hard to find new subs."

"Because baby, Like I am to you, you are my last chance." I gasped and gaped at him. 

"Really? But you are one of the best doms? How could I be your last chance?"

"It seems I'm to strict for other subs." He said laughing a bit. " You, though, need a strict sub don't you my sassy kitten?" I flushed at what he said and smiled.

"It seems I do daddy, It seems I do."

"Hey Lou?"

"Yes daddy?" I said looking up into his beautiful green eyes.

"May I kiss you now."

"Of course you can." I said and he crushed his lips to mine. I gasped and he took the opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. As his hands started to travel south a cough interrupted us. We broke apart and looked up to see Zayn.

"Look, I'm glad you guys made up and all but I'm sure others on the train would not like to see that and I would like to introduce you both to my new sub. Zayn said sitting down across form us and pulling a boy with blonde hair and green eyes into his lap. " This is Isaac and he is the boy that changed my life." We smiled at him and introduced ourselves and talked the rest of the train ride to Doncaster. Harry quickly whispered into my ear.

"I love you so much angel." Making me blush.

"I love you too daddy." I whispered back and sat happily in my daddy's lap for the rest of the train ride.


Sorry about the whole hold thing I just wanted to think of where to go with this story and I think I finally have! I love all of you! Please vote and comment!

~Vicky xx

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