Chapter 3

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a/n I am so glad that all of you are liking this story!! Thank you for all the votes and comments. I will have questions about the story at the end of this chapter so if you wouldn't mind answering them that would be awesome. Thank you lovelies! ~Vxx

Also all of this artwork is by karukara on tumblr! Go check them out!!


Harry P.o.V

I woke up with the sun in my eyes and I would have turned over if I wasn't holding the prettiest man in the world. Alas though I had to wake up cause I had work to do today. I slipped my arms from around him and a quiet whine left his mouth. I leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Baby, It's time to get up."

"Noooo" He whined and rolled over.

"Come on Lou wake up, we need to get down for breakfast."

"I don't wanna."


"God, you're so f*cking annoying. Can you not just let me sleep."

"Excuse me?" I said my voice like venom. Louis shot straight up.

"I said that i don't want to wake up and that you're annoying. I like sleeping and I will skip breakfast if I so like to."

"Louis you know the rules so no you will not. After breakfast you will be punished."

"pssh, like you'll actually punish me, you're like a baby bear. You're not frightening at all."

" That's it." I said then pulled him across my lap.

"daddy wha-"

"YOu best shut that mouth of yours if you don't want this to be any worse. After each spank you will count and at the end you will thank me. Understand."

"Yes, daddy." He responded. he yanked up my sweater and tore my panties off then the first hit landed.

"o-one." I choked out. Another hit.



Louis P.o.V

This continued until he reached 26. By the 20th I was crying. He pulled me into his arms and ran his fingers through my hair.

"T-thank y-you daddy." I said and continued crying.

" It's okay baby shhh, you did so well, my good boy." I preened at the compliments. We then got dressed and headed down for breakfast but as Harry passed Liam in the hall he grabbed his arm.

"Go on baby I'll meet you down there."

"Yes daddy." I responded and walked down the stairs but not before I heard Harry talking about how I was as sassy as the papers said. I sat in a chair and hissed just as Harry walked in and he leaned down and whispered.

"You should have listened.

"Yes daddy, I know. I'm sorry daddy." He patted my head and we ate breakfast.

After breakfast we went back upstairs and Harry invited me to stay in his office with him and I agreed. I sat on the small couch and entertained myself with one of the many books across the wall. They were all so interesting. SO much that I didn't hear Harry calling my name.

"LOUIS!" He shouted and I jumped.

"Yes daddy?" I quickly shot out.

"Why were you not listening to me?" He looked very angry.

"I'm s-so sorry daddy, I was so invested in this book." His face softened as I said this and he nodded.

"I'm sorry for shouting baby, but you need to listen to me. Now then, would you mind fetching me a glass of water?"

"Why cant't you just get a maid to do it?" i asked.

"Because Louis I asked you."

"But I don't want to." I whined.

"Louis go."

"No." He stopped in his tracks anger taking over all of his features. I didn't realize what I had said until just then. I murmerd a -shit- under my breath which he heard as well.

"Lean over the desk Louis." I looked up at him, I was just punished not even 30 minutes ago. none-the-less I got up and leaned over the desk. He pulled out a ruler.

"10 spanks for being sassy again."

"Yes, daddy." I counted each one but by the time he got to five I couldn't take it anymore.

"RED!" I called out "Red, red red." He stopped immediately and pulled me into his arms.

"Oh god baby, Why are you coloring? What's wrong?"

"Too much daddy, too much."

"Oh baby." He rocked me back and fourth until I stopped crying. He picked me up bridal style and brought me up to the bedroom and ran a bath. He took off my clothes and set me in. I hissed as my bottom hit the water. Harry got in behind me and pulled me onto his legs so my bottom wouldn't be hitting the porcelain of the tub. He continuously whispered sorry's in my ear.

"It's okay daddy. I know that I was being sassy. I'm sorry." I said, even though I knew I was naturally sassy.

"Are you sure baby." He asked, super worried because I colored.

"Yes, daddy. I love you."

"I love you too baby."


a/n I am sorry this is just a short chapter. probably not a good one either. So sassy Louis? Also, I was asked if I would add Zayn to the story. I'm not sure but if i do what should he be? And ex-dom or ex-sub? a doctor? I would like to know your imput! Please leave it in the comments below and I will try to update asap!!

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