Chapter 9

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a/n sorry school's getting super busy but I will try to update as much as possible. Like always thank you to everyone who votes for this you give me a reason to keep writing! ~Vxx


Louis' P.o.V.


For the first time since I moved into Harry's house I woke up alone and I was very cold. I wasn't ready to forgive Harry yet though, not after everything that had happened. I got out of bed and slipped on a sweater and it feel to my knees I knew it was one of Harry's but I couldn't help but feel protected in it. I know he'd never do that on purpose but I still couldn't get over it. I walked downstairs and into the dining room. Liam and Niall were at the table but not Harry.

"Good morning Liam, Niall." I said and nodded my head at both of them. Niall stood up and wrapped his arms around me before stepping back and slapping my arm.

"Ow, Ni! What was that for?" I asked holding my now reddening arm.

"Don't ever leave again, I was worried I would never see you again." He aid tearing up. I threw my arms around him and held him close.

"I know it was dumb, and I won't leave again. I promise."

"Yes it was dumb, and you better keep that promise." As Niall and I were hugging, Harry came into the room and sat at his seat not saying a word to anyone which was strange. When I looked over at him I noticed his bloodshot eyes and the dark circles underneath and I automatically knew that he got little to no sleep last night.

"Good morning Harry." I said to him and Niall and Liam looked at me shocked not knowing what went down last night. Ni gave me a look to say 'We'll talk about this later.'

"Good morning Louis." Harry responded in a croaky voice. That was all that was said, and the remainder of breakfast was bathed in a tense silence. When we finished I got up an made my way to the library and heard Niall asking Liam if he could accompany me which was granted because as soon as i sat down I was interrogated by Niall.
"Okay Lou, what is going on?" Niall asked crossing his arms.
"Niall, I can't just forgive him." I said crossing my arms as well.
"He went to go get you back and everything, he was so worried about you and you can't forgive him?!"
"Fuck Niall, HE. HIT. ME.! And not just as a punishment but a slap across the face!" I said throwing my arms out. "What would you do if Liam did that to you huh?" I asked getting a bit angry that he didn't understand my predicament.
"Liam would never hit me." He said simply.
"I thought the same about Harry before-" I said and was cut off with a sob coming from my throat and I collapsed crying. Niall noticed my distress and rushed over wrapping his arms around me and whispered quite comforts in my ear.
Harry's P.o.V.
After breakfast I went up to my office and fell into the chair putting my head in my hands. I heard a small knock and looked up to see Liam standing there with his arms crossed and I waved him in. He sat in the chair across from my desk and folded his hands.
"What's going on Harry?" He asked and I just put my head in my hands and mumbled something out.
"For fucks sake Styles. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!" Hearing Liam yell made me jump and looked him straight in the eyes.
"Louis won't let me touch or even be near him right now!" I yelled out "I doubt he even loves me anymore!"
"Harry," Liam said his eyes softening, "you and I both know that's not true." I let out a sigh.
"I don't know what to do Li." I said tears welling in my eyes.
"Haz, he'll forgive you, ya just got to give him time."
"I know, and I'm trying, but I don't know how long I can take this. I'm breaking inside."
"Not as much as Louis." Another voice speaks up and I see Niall standing in the doorway.
"Niall, where's Louis?" Liam asked.
"Louis' asleep in his room, he cried him self to sleep." Hearing that made my heart break and I didn't even hear either of them saying goodbye. After they left I let my tears fall. After cleaning up a bit I walked to my room, well my room as of now. Passing by the master bedroom I saw the door lightly ajar and Louis sitting up in bed holding a picture frame close to his chest and crying. I knew that picture frame, I took a cute selfie of us while working one day and it was so cute I printed it out and put it on my nightstand. Without knowing what I was doing my body was walking into the room and I was enveloping the small boy in my arms. He stiffened at first but then relaxed into me.
"Harry I love you so much."
"Oh baby," I said holding him close " I love you too." I said pulling him in a bit tighter.
" I don't fully forgive you yet" he said while sniffling"
" i didn't expect you too." After a couple more minutes of him sniffling he pulled away and started tugging at the comforter he was sitting on and looking down.
"What is it baby?" I asked knowing he wanted to ask me something.
"Could you sleep with me tonight daddy? It's cold without you here." He looked so broken so I nodded my head.
"Just, can we keep a bit of distance right now?" He also asked and for him I would do anything.
"Of course baby." I said. We both got under the covers and after exchanging quiet I love you's we fell asleep. And if in the middle of the night Louis cuddled up to me, that was none of my business and could be taken care of fun the morning.
a/n ahhhh I finished another chapter! I hope you all like it. I wrote this on my phone and in class so I could update for you lovelies! I would quite like to call you all something. Maybe heart killers? Tell me what you think! I love you!

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