Chapter 10

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A/N I feel so bad for never updating and I will try to more, I've been so busy with college. I hope you all understand and thank you for still reading this story!



Louis' P.o.V.


I woke up the next morning with an arm draped across my waist and a hard chest against my back. I smiled and snuggled back farther until those thoughts of what Harry did to me came back and I sprung up from the bed effectively waking us both up. Harry looked around alarmed until his eyes landed on my scared face. he sighed and slowly got out of bed. He walked right past me and into the closet. He then slipped into the bathroom and shut the door. I felt so cold after that and walked into the closet as well and just looked at all of our clothed hanging next to each other before grabbing one of Harry's sweaters and creeping  to the bathroom door. I quietly opened it and slipped inside. After taking off my clothes I got in behind Harry and wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed.

"B-baby, what are you doing?" He asked softly.

"Daddy, I love you and I'm sorry for being so mean and for not forgiving you and you've been so cold and I just still love you and if the only way to make you love me again is to forgive you then I-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine and I melted into the kiss happily. I whined a bit as he pulled away.

"Baby, I never stopped loving you and you never need to forgive me. What I did was completely inexcusable and I know that."

"So, you'll stop being cold?"

"Yes, baby, I'm sorry. You just looked so scared of me and I didn't want to make it worse." I realized that I was a bit scared because it had been so long since I had woken up in his arms and all the thought of the bad thing came back to me.

"Daddy, Please never hit me again unless it's for punishment."

"I promise baby." he said and wrapped me in his arms and this time maybe I'll believe him but I don't trust him fully yet. We finished showering and got dressed to go tot breakfast. When we walked in Niall was getting spanked for supposedly speaking back to Liam. I just hid in Harry's side until it was over and sat in his lap. When they were done and Niall was silently crying at the table Liam looked over to us and his jaw dropped.

"You guys, are ,what?" He said looking completely lost.

"He hasn't forgiven me yet Li, but we're going to work through this." Harry said as I snuggled into his chest. Niall looked over at me and I looked back at him and nodded my head and he nodded back as if saying okay whatever you want. Breakfast felt so much better this morning and we ate and conversed like before the whole incident happened. Harry tapped my thigh when we finished and I looked at him.

"Daddy has to do some work baby, so why don't you go play with Niall for a bit yeah?" He said and I nodded happily and hopped off his lap. I placed a kiss on his cheek and skipped into the music room where Niall already was.


Harry's P.o.V

Right as I walked into the office the door was shut and I was met with a very confused Liam. He crossed his arms and looked like he was contemplating what he wanted to say.
"Harry, what was that at breakfast?" He asked increasing his arms and throwing them out to his sides.
"I don't know what you're talking about Liam, it was a normal breakfast except for you punishing Niall at the table."
"After all that has happened you cannot tell me it was a normal breakfast, you and Louis didn't even talk yesterday and now he's sitting in your lap?!"
"Well yes, he hasn't fully forgiven me and I don't think he ever will, but he has decided to give me a second chance which I am grateful for."
"So you guys are working this out?"
"Of course we are Liam, we love each other." Liam looked at me fondly and I just looked at him confused. "Never in all the time I knew you did I think you'd fall in love."
"Well Li no-" I was cut off by a crash and muffled curses. I got up at stalked down the stairs to see Louis on the ground next to a broken vase. When he saw me he tried to get up and run away but couldn't as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to our bedroom slamming the door shut.
"Louis, submissive position." I said and he dropped to his knees in front of where I was sitting in the bed. "Now why are you in this position?"
"I don't know daddy." I raised my eyebrow.
"Yes you do Louis, and I f you don't answer the punishment will be worse."
"It wasn't my fault." He said pouting.
"Louis you were next to the broken vase so it obviously was!" I said raising my voice. He cowered down and I didn't even flinch. "Now how many spanks do you think you deserve?"
"10" he replied and I nodded.
"Okay 15" he looked up shock written on his face but then got up and layed across my lap.
"Good boy," I said and he wriggled around. I spanked him 15 times and he was sobbing by the time I was done. I sat him up and pulled him to my chest.
"Shh kitten, you did such a good job, you're such a good boy." I felt him wriggle and also felt his hard on press into my stomach. I smirked and leaned down to whisper in his ear "do you want daddy to take care of that." I felt him shiver in my arms and whisper weakly
"Yes daddy, please." That was all I needed to push him back on the bed
A/N SMUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Prepare yourselves!

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