after a rather long night of tossing and turning I decided it was best to get it over with and just go and talk to fred about this mess, having decided earlier that this letter was the only one I was going to get. as I heard mrs Weasley shout us all (the twins were here until their shop was repaired) down to breakfast.upon arriving at the table I saw that everyone was holding their letters in their hand and the only dissapointed people seemed to be Ginny and Ronald. was he hoping to find my name inside of that letter? or did he just not like who he got?..
And Ginny? was she hoping to find Harry's?.."alright everyone I see that you have all brought your letters down at your own accord so why dont we see who you got." the Weasley matriarch said in an obviously feigned tone of calm.
"Why dont we start youngest to oldest. thats usually the best start... Ginny dear?"
the youngest readhead seemed to deflate almost instantly, as she slumped against the table and muttered "Harry Potter" before ending her small act and attacking Harry in a none crushing hug.
"oh thank morgana! im so happy for you two, my little girl is getting married!" Molly was over filled with joy by the looks of things as she also joined the two's hug.
after calming down considerably but with a firm smile still on her face, Molly turned to Ron, an expectant look in her eye.
"parvati patil" he said dejectedly.
"oh Ron, its alright we'll go to the ministry today and petition for hermione. it's alright dears you will be all sorted by the time im through with the ministry. dont you worry you tw-"
altbough Ron had consideratley brightened at this, I was very uncomfortable.
I raised my hand in the air in order to grab Molly's attention. it worked immediently. Seeing my discomfort she asked me what was the matter.steeling myself I said in a confident voice that even left me surprised;
"if it's all the same to you mrs Weasley I would like to keep the choice that the ministry gave me."Rons face abruptly morphed into a rather unatractive crimson pinched expression. he looked like he was about to scream.
"well that is certainly unexpected, but go on dear tell us who you got" Mrs Weasley sounded very shocked but a twinge of sadness could be seen in her face. whether it was for her youngest son or me I would never know.I felt myself pale considerably at this. I didnt think it through that I would have to tell the weasleys that my match was one of the people sitting at this very table.
that was until a voice -one that I always longed to hear on my yearly visits to the burrow- spoke for me. "it's me mum, ive been paired with 'mione"
'mione?' I thought, I've never been called that before. I hate when people shorten my name but coming from fred it made me feel butterflies in my stomach and a blush rise in mycheeks. " and im also rather happy with the way things turned out, mione is the person I'd been hoping for even before this law buisness was even brought about, hell, I had been hoping to ask her out in 3rd year!" Fred suddenly stopped short and looked down, a small wave of red creeping up his face. something told me that he wasnt meant to go that far in his little impromptu speach but it did its job all the same.
without even thinking I pounced, I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him for all I was worth. He chuckled at my antics whilst he hugged me back with the same amount of energy.looks like I didnt have to have that talk with him after all.
this was to good to be true.

the marriage law.
RomanceHermione granger was always expected to end up paired with a weasley. But what happens when it's the one that nobody expected? Move over Ronald and step in Fred, the lucky Weasley who will sweep Hermione off her feet. But in all fairness none of thi...