drama queen.

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I suddenly came back to my senses and realised that I had been holding on to fred for longer than I should have considering his family was right next to us...although, luckily Fred must have also noticed this as we both slowly leaned away from eachother. As we turned toward the rest of the Wealseys (and Harry of course) I could finally see their expressions.

Molly had tears in her eyes and her hand covered her mouth as she stood in barely concealed joy.

George was grinning like a maniac muttering about how he 'told them it was bound to happen'. I've never understood how he knows this stuff.

Ginny was bouncing up and down. literally. in fact I was worried that the chair beneath her would snap. Her eyes were flitting between Fred and I in rapid succession. Later, I mouthed to her, she nodded her head quickly the grin on her face becoming almost painfully big.

percy was... SMILING!? for Percy Weasley to show any emotion was rare. but happiness? happiness was almost nonexistent! I gave him a small smile and a nod to show my gratitude for his approval.

mr Weasley (whome I had only just noticed) was being filled in by his wife on what was going on, but if the smile on his face was anything to go on, he was obviously happy.

bill and fleur (who had come to support his siblings) were both looking at us with a stare that so plainly stated what was on their minds. young love. Bill then leaned over and whispered to his new wife "I owe charlie 10 galleons" so even charlie knew and he was in Romania!

Harry was beaming at us almost as happy as Ginny.almost.

And as I turned to last person at the table. I wished I hadn't. Ronald was stood right next to me, his posture completely tense but what I didnt notice was the hand lowering toward my face.

he just slapped me in front of his whole family. suddenly there was an uproar Fred jumped on Ron, mrs weasley was screeching about how none of her sons were raised to behave like this. Ginny and Harry came running over trying to sort out the newest cut on my lip. George and percy then came over to see if I was okay. Bill and fleur left to go back to shell cottage. all the while mr weasley was trying to pull the two fighting men apart. Fine then if nobody else is gonna do it...


"ENOUGH!!!" the scream came from hermione- even in her anger her voice sounded beautiful. and she sounded furious. " I REFUSE TO BE TREATED LIKE A PUNCHBAG BY SOMEONE THAT I ONCE CALLED MY BEST FRIEND! IM LEAVING AND I SWEAR ON MERLINS BEARD RONALD THAT IF YOU EVEN COME NEAR ME BEFORE I SAY SO THEN YOU WONT LIVE TO SEE THE DAY YOU GET MARRIED!" and as quick as her anger came, it dissipated. she turned to the rest of the family "im sorry for my outburst in your home, ill be leaving." she reached for the handle before turning "oh, Fred, ill owl you later... maybe we could meet for coffee tomorrow ?"
I felt the blush rise in my face, and from the heat I was feeling, it was a bright one.
"s-sure hermione that sounds, g-g-great!" oh my merlin, she can make me stutter with a single sentence. As soon as the door closed behind her I heard George make a whip noise that had everyone else laughing even mum and dad! Ron however was, as expected, missing. good I dont think I could stand seeing him right now....

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